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eHealth Saskatchewan handles Health Card registrations, updates, renewals, and replacements. All Saskatchewan residents must register themselves and their dependents for a Saskatchewan Health Card in order to receive health benefits.
You can also use ExpressAddress to notify eHealth Saskatchewan of a change of address for your Saskatchewan Health Card, and request a replacement card.
To receive health benefits in Saskatchewan, all residents must register themselves (and their dependents) for a Saskatchewan Health Card.
Your card covers medically necessary services provided by SK physicians, immunization services, and mental health services. For a full list, visit Fully Covered Services. Your card also provides partial coverage for ambulances, care centres, podiatry, chiropody, hearing, dental, eye, glaucoma, prescription drugs, oxygen, and mobility and visual aids – for a complete list, visit Partially Covered Services.
Outside the province, your card covers most medically necessary services in publicly funded Canadian facilities. Outside of Canada, however, your card provides limited emergency medical care coverage. For more details, visit Health Coverage Outside of Saskatchewan and Canada.
Call 911 in a medical emergency, especially if symptoms require immediate medical attention.
If you have non-urgent medical or health concern, speak with your family doctor or visit a walk-in clinic in your area.
You can also call HealthLine at 811, a confidential, free of charge, 24-hour health information and support telephone line. When you call 811, a licensed health care professional will give you options and information to help you with health related questions or concerns.
HealthLine is offered in English, with translation available in over 100 languages. If you are having technical issues with accessing HealthLine 811 by dialing 811, you can call 1-877-800-0002 to be connected with HealthLine 811.
Deaf and hard of hearing residents can access HealthLine 811 by using the SaskTel Relay operator service at 1-800-855-1155.
You can also visit HealthLine Online to find answers to your health questions and concerns.
Individuals can submit a claim to the Ministry of Highways for vehicle damages sustained while travelling Saskatchewan highways that are maintained by operations staff.
To file a claim, complete the Vehicle Damage Incident Report.
If you have an inquiry or complaint about a provincial highway, you can contact the Ministry of Highways.
To file an inquiry or complaint, complete the Inquiry/Complaint form.
Toll Free: 1-844-SK-HIWAY (1-844-754-4929)
The following programs provide financial help for people who need income support:
- Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) provides income support to individuals with significant and enduring disabilities. It offers financial help with shelter, food, basic transportation, and costs related to the impact of disability. For more information on SAID, visit Income Support for People with Disabilities.
- Saskatchewan Employment Supplement (SES) provides assistance to families with lower-incomes who have children. It’s a monthly payment that supplements income from a job, farming, self-employment, or from child or spousal support. For more information, visit Saskatchewan Employment Supplement.
- Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS) offers financial support to people need help to meet the basic costs of living due to low income or unemployment. For more information, visit Saskatchewan Income Support.
If you suspect child abuse or neglect, please call your nearest Child Protection Office, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST.
Prince Albert: 1-866-719-6164
Saskatoon: 1-800-274-8297
Regina: 1-844-787-3760
All calls are confidential – you're not required to leave your name.
For after hours incidents or concerns, please immediately contact your local police service or RCMP detachment.
For more information, visit Child Protection.
The Government of Saskatchewan provides support and services to 16- and 17-year-old youth who can't live with their family for safety reasons, or if there's no parent willing or able to take responsibility for the youth.
For more information, visit Youth Services or call your nearest Social Services office, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST.
Prince Albert: 1-866-719-6164
Saskatoon: 1-800-274-8297
Regina: 1-844-787-3760
After completing high school, you can order copies of your Transcript of Secondary Level Achievement at Request Your High School Transcripts.
If you've written your GED test in Saskatchewan and want additional copies of your GED transcripts or diploma, visit Request GED Transcripts.
To request your Adult 10 and Adult 12 transcripts (the official record of your Adult Basic Education (ABE) achievement), visit Request Adult Basic Education Transcripts.
Most Saskatchewan post-secondary institutions apply for the Graduate Retention Program on your behalf. Check with your post-secondary school before submitting an application.
If your school doesn't apply on your behalf, you must submit an application. For more details, visit the Graduate Retention Program webpage.
If you file an income tax return as a Saskatchewan resident starting the year you graduate, you are entitled to tax credits over a seven-year period based on your eligible tuition amount.
For more details, visit Filing Your Tax Return. You can also contact the Canada Revenue Agency at 1-800-959-8281.
If you believe your employer failed to meet the employment standards set out in Part II of The Saskatchewan Employment Act, you can file a formal complaint with the Employment Standards Division. If your complaint is for unpaid wages, you have one year following the last day that wages were payable to register your complaint with the Employment Standards Division.
For more details, visit File an Employment Standards Complaint.
The general minimum age of employment in Saskatchewan is age 16. An "absolute" minimum age of 14 has also been established provided those 14- and 15-year-old workers fulfil certain requirements. For more information, visit Minimum Age and Workplace Restrictions.
Fourteen- and 15-year-olds are required to complete the Young Worker Readiness Certificate Course before starting work in Saskatchewan.
Changes to the minimum wage are announced on or before June 30 of each year and take effect October 1 of the same year.
Most employees get a minimum payment ("minimum call-out" pay) every time their employer requires them to report for work (other than for overtime), even if there is no work for them. Employees are to be paid a minimum of three hours at their hourly wage.
For more details, visit Minimum Wage and Reporting for Duty Pay.
Employees, including managers, who work on a public holiday, are entitled to both public holiday pay and a premium pay of 1.5 times their hourly wage for each hour worked. Premium pay is paid on top of the employee's public holiday pay for that day.
For more details, visit Paying Employees for Public Holidays.
The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) offers individuals a way to immigrate to Canada. The program nominates successful applications who want to make Saskatchewan their home to the Government of Canada for permanent residency in Canada.
A completed SINP application is required to make an accurate assessment of an applicant's eligibility to the program. Visit Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program to review the eligibility criteria for the specific SINP category that applies to you. All applications to the SINP must be submitted online.
Please note the SINP is only one of the steps toward becoming a permanent resident in Saskatchewan. All applicants must also apply for residency through the Government of Canada.
If you have further questions about SINP, please call 1-833-613-0485 or email
If your information has changed after receiving your SINP nomination, you may request a revision to your SINP Nomination Certificate.
Examples of reasons you may request a revision include:
- Government of Canada's Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada requests a revised and/or extended nomination certificate.
- You have a new job offer from the same or different employer.
- You and/or your accompanying family members have obtained new passports.
- Your nomination certificate is expiring or has expired and you require additional time to submit your application for permanent residency.
- You have updated your Express Entry Profile Number and Job Seeker Validation Code.
Changes to your SINP Nomination take an average of 1-2 weeks to process once a request has been received.
Please note that if your family composition has changed after a nomination decision, the SINP will not initiate an amendment of a Nomination Certificate to include new/additional family members. Only the principal applicant must be named in the Nomination Certificate, and there is no actual legal requirement for an applicant's accompanying dependents to be listed on the certificate.
Please review the relevant Procedures and Guidelines for your chosen SINP category for more information on how to request amendments to your SINP Nomination:
It is required that all applicants who submit a Job Offer must also submit a Job Approval Letter when they submit their initial application. This letter is given to you from your employer. Your employer must submit your Job Offer online for approval with our SINP International Recruitment and Integrity Unit. If your employer requires assistance with this process please have them contact our SINP International Recruitment and Integrity Unit at 1-833-613-0485 or by email at
To view the status of your application, log in to your account online at:
If you are unable to do so, please send a copy of your "Received Application Letter" to in order to receive an update on your application's status.
See link Check Application Processing Times for SINP for average, historical processing times for the SINP.
Applications are processed in the order that they are received.
An outline of the requirements and stages of your SINP application can be found at SINP Procedures and Guidelines.
Please visit the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada website for permanent residence application processing times.
Without reviewing your file and job duties and responsibilities we are unable to tell you what NOC your job would fall under. Please visit National Occupation Classification website and type in your job title, to review the job duties and requirements in order to see what fits. If they do, there will be a number assigned to that job title. From there, you will need to look at the matrix to see what NOC it falls under. If the NOC is "A", "B" or "0", it will be considered a skilled job.
For additional information on specific NOC codes you may visit the National Job Bank website.
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We aim to respond to inquiries within 5 business days. Our business hours are Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST.