1. Employment Opportunities
If you are looking for employment opportunities, browse the many jobs posted on Saskatchewan's leading job site: SaskJobs.ca.
Employment opportunities to support displaced Ukrainian workers are posted with #sksupportsukraine.
The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program is prioritizing applications received from Ukrainian applicants.
SaskJobs.ca is connected to the National Job Bank, allowing employers to reach an even greater number of affected individuals.
If you are looking for employment supports, contact SaskJobs Career Services at:
Toll-free Number: 1-833-613-0485
Email address: ukrainesupport@gov.sk.ca
For more information, visit SaskJobs Career Services.
2. Employer Information
Employers hiring foreign nationals must comply with the requirements of The Saskatchewan Employment Act and The Immigration Services Act.
Since the foreign nationals from Ukraine looking for work are eligible for an open work permit, employers are not required to apply for a certificate of registration to recruit or hire them. Please visit Employer Responsibilities with Foreign Workers for more information.
Employers wishing to provide employment to eligible individuals fleeing the Ukraine are encouraged to post their jobs on SaskJobs.ca. Use #sksupportsukraine in your job ad to communicate your commitment and interest. Saskjobs.ca is connected to the National Job Bank, allowing employers to reach an even greater number of affected individuals.
The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program is prioritizing applications received from Ukrainian applicants.
SaskJobs Employer Services provides Saskatchewan businesses with a full range of services to assist employers in sourcing, recruiting, developing and retaining a skilled workforce. For assistance, get in touch with a SaskJobs Employer Services professional by calling 1-833-354-6914 or emailing saskjobs@gov.sk.ca.
Consider registering with UCC Saskatchewan, employment offers and position requirements can be identified by completing the Business Support registration form.
3. Information for Licensed or Certified Professionals
Newcomers to Canada must have their foreign licences and certificates recognized to work in some Canadian jobs (e.g., doctors, engineers, architects, hairdressers, plumbers, electricians, etc.). This is called foreign credential recognition. An authorized individual will confirm that federal, provincial or territorial standards are met by review your foreign education, language skills or work experience. There is a cost for this service.
Tools and Resources:
- Learn more about job requirements, pay, vacancies, alternative occupations, and such at Job Bank resources for newcomers.
- Learn more about and begin credentials assessment process at the IRCC’s Foreign Credential Assessment page.
- Contact the Employment Services Unit at Regina Open Door Society (RODS) or Saskatoon Open Door Society (SODS) for guidance through the credential assessment and licensing processes.
- Connect with the Government of Saskatchewan Career Services to obtain information on the professional designation and how to register with the associations or unions (e.g., APEGS for engineering) for assistance to get to work quickly.
Additional Tools and Resources for Healthcare Professionals:
- Visit the Health Human Resources section of this website and the page for Internationally Educated Health Care Professionals Residing in Saskatchewan or Canada for more guidance.
4. Protection for Workers
Most workers in Saskatchewan, including foreign workers, are protected by The Saskatchewan Employment Act.
The act contains minimum legal requirements for employment standards (such as pay and hours of work) and occupational health and safety (including who is responsible for workplace safety and a worker’s rights in the workplace).
This Employment Standards and Working Safely in Saskatchewan handout (also available in Ukrainian) provides basic information about these topics, including the role of Employment Standards and Occupational Health and Safety.
More detailed information can be found on our website under Employment Standards and Safety in the Workplace.
Contact Us
Employment Standards:
Phone: 1-800-667-1783
Email: employmentstandards@gov.sk.ca
Occupational Health and Safety:
Phone: 1-800-567-7233
Email: ohs.general@gov.sk.ca
Visit Worksafesask.ca to learn about safe work practices.
Workplaces Under Federal Jurisdiction
Employment standards and occupational health and safety in some workplaces and industries are regulated by the Government of Canada. Those industries include:
- Banks
- Air transportation, including airports and airlines
- Telephone, telegraphs and cable systems
- Grain elevators and seed mills
- Uranium mining and processing
- First Nation government activities (However, some First Nations-owned employers follow Saskatchewan's employment standards.)
- Inter-provincial and international trucking/transportation
If your workplace is federally regulated, visit the Government of Canada website or call Service Canada at 1-800-622-6232 for more information about the Canada Labour Code.
Additional Protection for Foreign Workers
If you are not yet a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, you are also protected under The Immigration Services Act (ISA), which regulates foreign worker employers, recruiters and immigration consultants. This law protects foreign nationals from mistreatment, such as misrepresentation and paying for employment.
Foreign nationals are protected under ISA if they are working, looking for work, or are using the services of an immigration consultant or foreign worker recruiter.
Under THE ISA, employers are responsible for paying all costs of hiring foreign workers, including paying the recruiter. Immigration consultants and foreign worker recruiters can not charge foreign nationals any fees for recruitment or employment, provide misleading information about jobs or take advantage of a foreign national in any way.
More detailed information can be found on the website under Protections for Immigrants and Foreign Workers.
Please call 306-798-1350 or email pcb@gov.sk.ca if you have any questions about foreign worker protections.