Turn in Poachers and Polluters (TIPP)
Call the TIPP line at 1-800-667-7561 or use our 24-hour, seven-day-a-week TIPP Service if you suspect any fishing, wildlife or environmental resource violations.
Note: Changes or updates to the Anglers guide may occur after it is printed, so the online version of the guide is the most up-to-date.
Ministry Field Office Locations
What's New for 2024-25
Reduced limits:
Cold Lake:
- Lake trout limit one, which must be between 65 and 70 cm.
Ministikwan Lake:
- Walleye limit two; only one may exceed 55 cm.
- Pike limit three; only one may exceed 75 cm.
Nemeiben Lake:
- Catch and release limits. Limit is inclusive of fish caught on both Nemeiben and Head Lakes.
Pierce Lake:
- Lake trout limit one, which must be between 65 and 70 cm.
Proposed Changes for 2025-26
Reduced limits:
Boundary Reservoir:
- Largemouth bass limit zero (0).
Buy an Angling Licence
Use the Saskatchewan Hunting, Angling and Trapping Licence (HAL) system to purchase a licence.
Exercising Treaty Rights in Saskatchewan
An individual exercising the Treaty right to hunt, fish and trap for food in Saskatchewan must:
1. be a registered Indian, as defined by the Government of Canada's Indian Act;
2. carry a valid Certificate of Indian Status; and
3. be a member of a First Nation signatory to Treaties 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 10, or a First Nation located within Saskatchewan that has not signed a Treaty.