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Victim Impact Statement and Restitution

The Victim Impact Statement and Statement on Restitution are an opportunity for victims of crime to tell the court how a crime has affected them emotionally, physically and financially, and to request restitution for actual loss or damage resulting from a crime. They are combined in a four-page form:

  • Victim Impact Statement (pages 1 & 2)
  • Statement on Restitution (page 3)
  • Information (page 4)

You may submit a Victim Impact Statement or a Statement on Restitution or both.

Your completed Victim Impact Statement (VIS) and/or Statement on Restitution (SOR) must be received before the offender is sentenced so they can be considered by the judge.

  • Return your completed form(s) to the investigating police agency as quickly as possible.
  • If you know that the accused has an upcoming court appearance, you should return the completed form(s) directly to the crown prosecutor's office.
  • You may submit additions to your Victim Impact Statement and/or Statement on Restitution up to the date the offender is sentenced.

If you need help with your VIS and/or SOR, contact the police-based victim services program nearest you, or your local police service or RCMP detachment.


1. Completing a Victim Impact Statement

A Victim Impact Statement is your opportunity to tell the court how a crime has affected you and those around you. You write your statement in your own words on the Victim Impact Statement (pages 1 & 2 of the form). If the person accused is found guilty of the crime, the judge will consider your statement before the person is sentenced. It is your choice whether or not you want to prepare a Victim Impact Statement.

If you need help completing your Victim Impact Statement, contact the police-based victim services program nearest you or your local police service or an RCMP detachment.

Victim Impact Statement Not Criminally Responsible

If the accused person in your case is found not criminally responsible, you may complete a Victim Impact Statement Not Criminally Responsible form. To obtain this form, and for assistance completing the form, contact the police-based victim services program nearest you or your local police service, RCMP detachment or the crown prosecutor's office.


2. Completing a Statement on Restitution

Restitution is money paid to a victim for the actual loss or damage resulting from a crime. The judge may order the offender to pay money to you the victim. This is one way the offender can make up for the harm you have experienced. Restitution may be ordered for:

  • damage or loss to your property;
  • financial loss or expenses due to a physical injury;
  • the actual expenses of temporary housing, food, childcare, transportation or for moving out of the offender's household where the harm is to the offender's spouse or child; or
  • financial loss due to fraud.

If you have questions after restitution has been ordered, contact:
Toll free: 1-888-286-6664
In Regina: 306-787-0173

To apply for restitution from an offender, you have to complete the Statement on Restitution (page 3 of the form). Police-based Victim Services or Restitution Program staff may help you complete the Statement on Restitution. Send your completed and signed form to the police-based victim services program nearest you or your local police service or RCMP detachment as soon as possible.

While you wait for the judge to make a decision about your restitution, you may wish to take the steps you feel are necessary to repair the damages you have suffered. Keep the actual invoices or bills for cost of repairs, replacement and/or other directly-related costs.

If the offender is convicted, the judge will decide whether it is appropriate to order restitution. When restitution is ordered, you will be advised of the amount and the deadline by which the offender must pay it.

Restitution Civil Enforcement Program
This program helps individuals or non-profit organizations collect. This voluntary program allows victims to register their restitution orders with the Ministry of Justice at no cost. Collection officers act on their behalf to collect unpaid restitution from offenders.

After victims have registered their restitution orders, collection officers register the orders with the Court of King's Bench and with the Judgments Registry, Information Services Corporation.

The services of King's Bench Sheriff's Offices are used for service of documents and enforcement Monies paid by the offender are forwarded within 30 days of receipt by regular mail to the victim.

Information for Offenders

If you are an offender who has been ordered to pay restitution, you can find more information on this information sheet.


3. Completing a Community Impact Statement

A community representative wishing to make a statement on behalf of a community that has been affected by a crime must complete, print and sign a Community Impact Statement, and submit it to the court prior to the offender's being sentenced.

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