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Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation Awareness Campaign

Important Emergency Reminder

If you are in an emergency situation, call 911 or your local police.

It happens here.

The Saskatchewan Government has launched an awareness campaign on sex trafficking, an issue that affects Saskatchewan in both rural and urban areas.

The campaign includes posters placed in high-traffic locations like restaurants, gas stations and libraries throughout the province.

With a strong call to action, the posters connect people to 211 Saskatchewan, a one-stop service run by the United Way that helps people access programs and supports in their community.

The project is a collaboration between the Status of Women Office and the Ministry of Justice and Attorney General with support from 211, a service of the United Way. It is funded in part by the federal government as part of the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence.

The three posters carry different messages, yet all are trying to reach people who are being trafficked and help them get support. All were developed through consultation with organizations and individuals that support survivors.

We See You, We Believe You
Through consultation with organizations that support survivors, we heard that people being trafficked often feel invisible, and they may not seek help because they are afraid no one will believe them. “We See You, We Believe You” attempts to remove that barrier, let people know there is help available and people who care that will believe.

The Life Wasn’t Your Choice
Stakeholders identified the language people often use to describe sex trafficking are terms like “the life” or “the hustle.” The message “The Life Wasn’t Your Choice” is more likely to resonate with the audience, so they can connect with supports through 211. The image used reflects the fact that people are often transported from one community to another in a car.

It Started With Attention, Now It’s Control
Traffickers will often target vulnerable women and girls. This poster captures how human trafficking can begin … through being showered with gifts and attention. It’s called the Romeo scenario. What starts out with kindness and care evolves into a relationship of control and exploitation. It’s a visual story that is intended to resonate.

Download the Posters

Find Resources Now

211 Saskatchewan

For information on programming and supports – go to the 211 Saskatchewan website or call 211.

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