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Adult Basic Education (ABE)

Three images of students at desks looking at computers

The Adult Basic Education (ABE) program helps adults improve their literacy and essential skills. Learners who successfully complete Levels 3 and 4 (also known as Adult 10 and Adult 12) may achieve a credential / certificate of standing.

The knowledge, skills and attitudes gained in ABE are needed for those who wish to enter or re-enter the labour force, who need further training or who wish to advance in a chosen career.


1. Registration

There are several institutions across Saskatchewan that offer ABE courses. Contact your nearest Training Provider to learn more about how to register for the ABE program closest to you.

ABE Provider Head Office Contact Information
Carlton Trail College Humboldt 1-800-667-2623
Dumont Technical Institute Saskatoon 1-877-488-6888
Great Plains College Swift Current 1-866-296-2472
Lakeland College Lloydminster 1-800-661-6490
North West College North Battleford 306-937-5100
Northlands College Air Ronge 1-888-311-1185
Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies Saskatoon 1-877-282-5622
Saskatchewan Polytechnic
  • Saskatoon
  • Moose Jaw
  • Regina
  • Prince Albert
Southeast College Weyburn 1-866-999-7372
Suncrest College
Suncrest College was established in 2023 as a result of merging with Cumberland College and Parkland College.
Yorkton 306-783-6566

2. Financial Assistance

Learners requiring financial assistance to attend training can apply for the new Education and Training Incentive. Your training centre is available to answer any questions you might have about the incentive or you can contact the Ministry of Social Services Client Service Centre at 1-866-221-5200.


3. Course Requirements

Levels 1 and 2

Levels 1 and 2 are non-credit programs based on the Circle of Learning Framework. These programs focus on improving basic literacy and developing skills. For learners to transition to the next level of ABE, they must achieve key benchmarks in the following areas:

  • Communication
  • Numeracy
  • Lifelong Learning
  • Interpersonal Skills

Levels 3 and 4

Levels 3 and 4 (also known as Adult 10 and Adult 12) are credit programs. Learners who successfully complete these levels achieve a certificate of standing, which is important for gaining entrance to technical and trade schools, apprenticeship training or university.

Level 3 (Adult 10) – Required courses

  • Communications
  • Social Sciences
  • Life/Work Studies
  • Mathematics
  • Science

Level 4 (Adult 12) – Required courses

  • English Language Arts A 30 and English Language Arts B 30
  • One Canadian Studies course (History 30, Native Studies 30, or Social Studies 30)
  • One Level 20 or Level 30 Mathematics
  • One Level 20 or Level 30 Science
  • Two electives at Level 30 (one may be Prior Learning 30)

4. Transcripts

Request Adult 10 and Adult 12 Transcripts

Adult 10 and Adult 12 transcripts are an official record of your Adult Basic Education achievement. Transcripts are only available in a paper format and only for Adult 10 and Adult 12 completions.

How to Request an Adult 12 Transcript

Completed after 2000

To request a transcript for an Adult 12 program completed after 2000, please complete the online request for transcripts.

Completed before 2000

To request a transcript for an Adult 12 program completed prior to 2000, please complete the ABE Transcript Request Form.

Once your request has been received and verified, we will reach out to you regarding payment.

Payments can be made by cheque or money order made payable to "Minister of Finance" for $25 and sent to:

Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
1000, 2103 11th Avenue
Regina, SK S4P 3Z8

How to Request an Adult 10 Transcript

To request a transcript for an Adult 10 program, please complete the ABE Transcript Request Form.

Once your request has been received and verified, we will reach out to you regarding payment.

Payments can be made by cheque or money order made payable to "Minister of Finance" for $25 and sent to:

Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
1000, 2103 11th Avenue
Regina, SK S4P 3Z8

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