If you have been served with an Office of Residential Tenancies (ORT) Hearing Notice and you are not sure what to do, the ORT can help you. Please choose the option below that best matches your needs so a member of the ORT staff can assist you:
Choose “Hearing Preparation” if you require any assistance with evidence, the hearing process, and/or accessing the ORT’s online portal.
Choose “Hearing Registration” if you want to register your phone number for an ORT hearing.
Choose “Hearing Accommodations” if you want to request an accommodation for the hearing. For example, you do not have access to a phone or cell phone.
Choose “Missed Hearing” if you missed a call from the ORT hearing officer at the scheduled hearing time.
Choose “Reschedule Your Hearing” if you want to request a change in the hearing date. For example, if you are not available to appear for the hearing due to a time conflict or extenuating circumstances.