A hearing officer will issue a written decision specifying their Order after considering the evidence, testimony and facts of the claim(s) brought forward. Decisions will either be emailed or mailed to both parties by the ORT. It is each party’s responsibility to ensure the ORT has their current contact information in the ORT’s online portal.
If there is an obvious error, or if a party would like any part of a decision clarified, either party may submit a Request to Correct or Clarify a Decision or Order by email to the ORT within 15 days of the decision date. There is a non-refundable fee of $50 for this review application. The application will be given to the hearing officer who heard the original claim(s).
All ORT decisions may be appealed to the Court of King’s Bench within 30 days of the decision date.
Tenants: To appeal a rent and/or utility arrears claim, or a continuous late payment of rent claim, you MUST submit a Certificate of Payment of Rent with your appeal application package to the Court of King’s Bench. These certificates are available through the specific application on the ORT’s online portal once the Application for Certificate of Payment of Rent to the Office of Residential Tenancies is completed and the equivalent of one month's rent is paid into the ORT. This money will be held in trust until either the conclusion of the appeal or at any other time the director decides.
Enforcement of ORT decisions is the responsibility of the party who had an order granted in their favour. ORT decisions may be registered as a judgement of the Court of King’s Bench after the 30-day appeal period has passed.
If a landlord or tenant does not pay a monetary amount as indicated in an ORT decision, the other party may request the ORT place the landlord or tenant on the non-compliance list until the amount is paid in full. The ORT may refuse to issue hearing notices and orders for a landlord or tenant for the time they are on the non-compliance list.
If you did not receive notice of the hearing, please contact the ORT at ORT@gov.sk.ca or 1-888-215-2222. Upon written request to the ORT, a hearing officer may consider whether to rehear an application when an order was made without hearing from the affected person. The affected person can also establish they did not receive notice of the hearing.