Effective February 1, 2024, the legal age to purchase tobacco and vapour products in Saskatchewan will increase from 18 to 19.
Signs to be posted by tobacco and vapour product retailers
You can:
1. Signs prohibiting smoking and vaping to be posted at entrances to the building, in waiting areas and washrooms – at least 15 centimetres high and 20 centimetres wide.
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2. Signs prohibiting smoking and vaping within three metres of an entrance, openable window or air intake to be posted on doors, windows or walls of enclosed public places- at least 4.5 centimetres high and 14 centimetres wide.
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3. Sign located at the cash register where tobacco and vapour products are purchased respecting the legal age to purchase tobacco or vapour products – must be at least 8 centimetres high and 10 centimetres wide.
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4. Age calculator till sticker (This is not a mandatory sticker and is for the convenience of the employees of the retailer) – may be 5 centimetres high and 10 centimetres wide.
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