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Tobacco and Vapour Products

Effective February 1, 2024, the legal age to purchase tobacco and vapour products in Saskatchewan increased from 18 to 19.

The Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act and regulations regulate the use and sale of tobacco and vapour products in Saskatchewan.

The new laws respect the sale, display, promotion and use of vapour products. All retailers and people who use vapour products must meet the new requirements of The Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act and The Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Regulations.

The main legislative and regulatory provisions include the following:
•  No smoking/vaping in, enclosed public places, school grounds, near doorways and windows.
•  Restrict smoking and vaping in enclosed public places, including schools and school grounds.
•  Prohibit people from smoking and vaping within three metres from a doorway, window or air intake of an enclosed public place.
•  Restrictions on the retail sale, advertising and promotion of tobacco and vapour products.
•  Restrict the sale of tobacco and all vapour products to individuals 19 years of age and older.
•  Prohibit the display of tobacco and vapour products where young persons have access.
•  Prohibit the sale of tobacco and vapour products at specified facilities such as amusement parks, arcades and theatres where youth frequent.
•  Restrict advertising of vapour products in the same manner as tobacco products by prohibiting advertising signs and promotional signs in areas where young persons can enter.
•  Restrictions on flavoured vapour products.

Retail locations that are open to those under 19 years of age, such as convenience stores and gas stations, are permitted to sell only tobacco and mint/menthol-flavoured vapour products.

As of September 1, 2021, the sale of most flavoured vapour products is restricted to adult-only, specialty vape shops. Age-restricted specialty vape shops must have a sign on their entrance.

For more information, please see the following pages:

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