Exception Drug Status
The Drug Advisory Committee of Saskatchewan (DACS) reviews and provides advice regarding certain drugs for listing on the Saskatchewan Formulary with Exception Drug Status (EDS) criteria.
An individual must meet certain medical criteria for an EDS drug to be approved as a Drug Plan benefit. Individuals will pay based on their deductible and/or co-payment.
1. Eligibility
Individuals are eligible for coverage for drugs listed on the Saskatchewan Formulary or for drugs approved under Exception Drug Status (EDS). EDS means an individual must meet certain medical criteria.
Being eligible for coverage means an individual will pay according to their individual deductible and/or co-payment.
Individuals or families are not eligible for coverage through the Saskatchewan Drug Plan if they receive benefits from another government agency such as Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI), Workers' Compensation Board, or Health Canada (Non-Insured Health Benefits Program or Veterans Affairs Canada).
2. Application
Physicians, nurse practitioners or pharmacists must submit a request for Exception Drug Status (EDS) to the Drug Plan and Extended Benefits Branch.
Families or individuals cannot submit a request for EDS.
Submit EDS requests to the Drug Plan and Extended Benefits Branch by:
Phone: | toll-free at 1-800-667-2549 or in Regina at 306-787-8744 |
Fax: | Complete a form and fax to 306-798-1089 |
Email: | Complete a form and email DPEB@health.gov.sk.ca |
3. Confirmation of Exception Drug Status Approval
Individuals will receive a letter in the mail after the Drug Plan reviews the EDS request and has made a determination to approve or deny the request. A confirmation of benefits letter will be mailed if approved or denied. An approval letter indicates the drug, effective date and expiry date of the EDS approval. Individuals are encouraged to keep the letter for future reference or, if applicable, for co‑ordinating benefits with their private health plan. You may request a reprint of your Exception Drug Status approval letter if you require another copy of the letter.
4. Renewal
Individuals are encouraged to work with their physician, nurse practitioner, or pharmacist to ensure EDS coverage does not lapse. The health provider must submit an EDS request to the Drug Plan and Extended Benefits Branch for renewal.
5. Drug Cost
Individuals will pay for drugs listed on the Saskatchewan Formulary or approved under Exception Drug Status according to their individual deductibles and/or co-payments.
Various Drug Plan programs provide assistance with drug costs. For more information, visit:
Special Support
Seniors' Drug Plan
Children's Drug Plan
Palliative Care Drug Program