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Drug Cost Assistance

The Special Support Program is a voluntary income-tested program that helps eligible Saskatchewan residents with their drug costs, in relation to their income. A deductible is established based on total family income and a copayment is calculated based on total family income and total family drug costs. Coverage is determined for a calendar year.

Individuals can use the Special Support Estimate Calculator to estimate their Special Support deductible and copayment based on the income and drug cost information provided. Or scan the following QR code:

QR Code for Special Support Estimate Calculator

Individuals will pay for prescription drugs listed on the Saskatchewan Formulary or approved under Exception Drug Status according to their deductible and copayment.

Ask your physician or pharmacist if your medications may qualify for Exception Drug Status.

Special Support Program - Questions and Answers


1. Eligibility

The Ministry of Health determines eligibility for the Special Support Program based on eligible prescription drug history and income information provided with the application.

Families who receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), Seniors Income Plan (SIP) or Family Health Benefits may apply for the Special Support Program. Individuals with the Seniors' Drug Plan may also apply for the Special Support Program.

Individuals or families with coverage through federal government programs, such as the federal Non-Insured Health Benefits Program or Veterans Affairs, are not eligible for the Special Support Program.


2. Application

Families or individuals apply to the program by completing the Special Support application form and providing income documentation. Choose an application form at the following links:

  • Fill out the Side A application form to provide your consent to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to release specific income information (Line 15000) to the Ministry of Health, Drug Plan and Extended Benefits Branch. No annual application is required. Your coverage is automatically renewed each year, as long as your income tax return is filed each year.
  • Fill out the Side B application form if you do not file income tax or would rather submit an application with your income documentation each year. In the fall, a renewal application will be mailed to you with instructions on how to renew your coverage.
    • Mail, fax or email your application to the Drug Plan's Special Support Program.
    • You will receive a confirmation of benefits letter when the initial application is processed.
    • Special Support coverage begins on the date the Drug Plan receives your complete application, including income documentation.
    • You are encouraged to complete Side A for automatic annual renewal and to prevent a lapse in coverage.

3. Confirmation of Coverage

Initial application: You will receive a confirmation of benefits letter after the initial application is processed. The letter is mailed to the address on your Saskatchewan Health Card file.


Side B: You will be required to re-apply each year by submitting a complete application, with supporting income documentation. Renewal letters are mailed once the application is processed.

Side A: Coverage is automatically renewed each year. Letters for the 2025 coverage period will be available after December 1, 2024.

You may request your Special Support letter if coverage is in place. Go to the Request Letter section and enter the nine-digit Health Services Number located on your Saskatchewan Health Card. Select the Program Type as Special Support Program.


[right-click to select an image]


If you require a letter for your records, but do not receive the letter after seven days through the online Request Your Special Support letter process, call the Drug Plan at 1-800-667-7581.

Your pharmacy will be aware of your 2025 coverage when your first prescription is filled after January 2025.


4. Reassessment

If your annual income or medication costs change during the coverage period, you may send a written request for a reassessment of coverage to the ministry's Drug Plan and Extended Benefits Branch, Special Support Program. You must include documentation of income changes.


5. Other Programs

Seniors may also apply for the Seniors' Drug Plan. Eligible seniors pay $25 for prescriptions listed on the Saskatchewan Formulary or approved under Exception Drug Status.

You will pay the lesser amount depending on other programs. For example:

  • If your medication is $25 per prescription under the Children's Drug Plan, but $11 under the Special Support program, you will continue to pay $11 for that prescription.
  • If your medication is $25 per prescription under the Seniors' Drug Plan, but $11 under the Special Support program, you will continue to pay $11 for that prescription.

There will be no change in coverage for those individuals who have drug coverage under:

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