Mental Health Services
Learn about the different types of mental health services available in Saskatchewan.
Mental Health and Illness
Find information on mental health in Saskatchewan, including depression and suicide, post-trauma stress, eating and mood disorders.
Seeking Professional Help
Find information to help you determine how and when to seek professional help for yourself, or for a friend or family member with a mental health issue.
Accessing Private Mental Health Services in Saskatchewan
Information for the public about accessing private mental health services in Saskatchewan
Action Plan for Mental Health and Addictions: 2023-2028
Learn more about the five-year plan that is guiding efforts across government to improve mental health and addictions services in Saskatchewan.
Mental Health Capacity Building
An overview of the Mental Health Capacity Building program that works in Saskatchewan schools to build mental health resiliency in Saskatchewan youth.
Do a Wellness Self-Check
How is your mental health today? Do a self-check and take action to be healthier. This is not a diagnostic tool, but can help give you an idea of where you are at and what resources are available to you.