You may receive the following forms and documents if your child is vaccinated at school:
- Notice of Immunization | French Version
- School Immunization Consent Form Instructions | French Version
- Grade 6 Immunization Package (includes vaccine information, consent form instructions and consent form for grade 6 school immunization) | French Version
- Grade 8 Immunization Package (includes vaccine information, consent form instructions and consent form for grade 8 school immunization) | French Version
- General Consent Immunization Package | French Version
Vaccine Information
- COVID-19 Vaccine Details
- Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, and Haemophilus Influenzae Type b Vaccine (April 2024) | French Version
- Haemophilus influenzae type b Vaccine (July 2023) | French Version
- Hepatitis A Vaccine (July 2023) | French Version
- Hepatitis B Vaccine (July 2023) | French Version
- Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (July 2023) | French Version
- Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV) (August 2024) | French Version
- Fluzone High Dose Influenza Vaccine (October 2024) | French Version
- Influenza Vaccine (October 2024) | French Version
- Immune Globulin (Human) (July 2023) | French Version
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine (July 2023) | French Version
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella Vaccine (July 2023) | French Version
- Meningococcal B Vaccine (July 2023) | French Version
- Meningococcal Conjugate C Vaccine (July 2023) | French Version
- Meningococcal Conjugate A, C, Y and W-135 Vaccine (August 2024) | French Version
- Parents Can Protect their Babies from Pertussis Fact Sheet (April 2018) | French Version
- Pneumococcal C-15 (June 2024) French Version
- Pneumococcal C-20 (June 2024) French Version
- Polio Vaccine (July 2023) | French Version
- Rabies Immune Globulin and Vaccine (July 2023) | French Version
- Rotavirus Vaccine (August 2023) | French Version
- Smallpox and mpox Vaccine (December 2024) | French Version
- Tetanus and Diphtheria Vaccine (April 2024) | French Version
- Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis Vaccine (April 2024) | French Version
- Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Polio Vaccine (April 2024) | French Version
- Tetanus Immune Globulin (July 2023) | French Version
- Tuberculosis (TB) Skin Test (September 2023) | French Version
- Varicella (Chickenpox) Vaccine (July 2023) | French Version
- Varicella Immune Globulin (July 2023) | French Version