Individualized Funding for Home Care
Home care helps people that need acute, palliative, and supportive care to stay independent at home. It also helps reduce unnecessary hospital admissions and the length of hospital stays.
You or your guardian may be eligible to receive funding based on assessed need – called individualized funding – to arrange and manage your own supportive services for home care.
1. Guidance
Home care
Home care helps people who need acute, end-of-life, rehabilitation, maintenance, and long-term supportive care to remain independent at home. The Saskatchewan Health Authority provides home care services directly to clients based on assessed need.
To learn more about home care, visit the Home Care page.
Individualized funding
Individualized funding gives you increased choice and flexibility in home care. You, or your guardian, receive funding to arrange and manage your own support services. Funding is based on assessed need and is used for supportive home care services, such as personal care or home management.
Professional health services, like registered nursing or therapies, are not included in individualized funding. If required, these services are available to you through home care.
While individualized funding provides greater flexibility and control in your care, you also have more responsibilities. It takes extra time and effort to manage this option successfully.
If you choose individualized funding and it does not work for you, you can end the agreement and consider alternatives, such as the regular home care program or other living arrangements.
2. Eligibility
You may be eligible for individualized funding if you are:
- Eligible for home care support services;
- Require long-term supportive care;
- Capable of managing the funding successfully; and
- Willing to accept the responsibilities
Your responsibilities
If you are eligible and choose the individualized funding option, you accept the responsibility of arranging, managing, and accounting for your support services.
You need to sign an agreement with the Saskatchewan Health Authority which outlines your services, funding level, accountability and reporting requirements, and other details.
Your responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Recruiting, hiring, training, and terminating staff. Hiring of family members and in some cases health region employees is not permitted;
- Scheduling and payroll, including deductions such as Income Tax, Canada Pension, Employment Insurance, etc;
- Applying for coverage under The Workers' Compensation Act, 2013;
- Abiding by relevant legislation such as Part II and III of The Saskatchewan Employment Act, or The Income Tax Act;
- Establishing a backup care plan that is not reliant on the health authority's home care program;
- Reporting to the Saskatchewan Health Authority on a regular basis; and
- Paying the applicable home care fees.
3. How to Apply
To apply for individualized funding:
- Contact the Saskatchewan Health Authority Home Care Program in your community.
- They will assess your unique care needs and determine the type of service and funding level.
4. Further Information
A number of community based agencies are familiar with the individualized funding option and may be able to provide support and information:
- Inclusion Regina
- Saskatchewan Voice of People with Disabilities
- South Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre
Once you have discussed individualized funding with the Saskatchewan Health Authority, and are ready to pursue the option, the following agencies may be of assistance:
Home Care Policy Manual
The Home Care Policy Manual ensures consistency of home care services and home care standards throughout Saskatchewan.