For mental health support or mental health emergencies, contact your family physician, local mental health clinic or HealthLine at 811.
If someone is at risk of harming themselves or others, please call 911.
Other Supports
- Wellness supports for mental health and addictions
- Emergency crisis hotlines
- The Canadian Mental Health Association - Saskatchewan Division offers a range of programs and services in the community.
- The Farm Stress Line for 24-hour confidential counselling, support, information and referral services that respond to the needs of rural families and communities.
- The Problem Gambling Helpline for 24-hour confidential support from trained counsellors.
- Free online Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- HealthLine Online provides health and wellness information.
- Find additional mental health supports in your area.
Feeling Lonely?
- The Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism and Saskatoon Council on Aging have resources to help you.
- The Red Cross Friendly Phone Call program connects adults who are feeling lonely or isolated with trained volunteers who provide weekly phone calls.
- Find a program at your local library, seniors' centre or Seniors' Centre Without Walls.
- Volunteer your time in your community.