Government of Saskatchewan ministries, Crown corporations and organizations are implementing contingency plans to minimize the impacts of postal service disruption.

Les ministères, sociétés d’État et organismes du gouvernement de la Saskatchewan mettent en œuvre des plans d’urgence visant à réduire les répercussions de l’interruption du service des postes.

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Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID)

The Ministry of Social Services has resumed mail delivery for clients, caregivers, and vendors who receive benefit payments by mail.

We encourage clients to switch to direct deposit, where benefit payments were unaffected during the recent Canada Post service disruption.

To learn more, visit Social Services Benefit Distribution Update.

The Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) is an income support program for people with significant and enduring disabilities.

It offers individuals access to long-term income support, greater choice of services and supports their participation in their community.

SAID focuses on supporting the daily living and disability-related needs of individuals, with additional benefits provided based on an individual’s needs. SAID benefits vary depending on an individual’s specific situation and needs, and has different payment tiers for living income, disability income and shelter with no set maximum monthly benefit.


1. Benefits

SAID benefits include three main components:

  1. Living Income benefit – a fixed amount of monthly income that allows you as a SAID beneficiary the opportunity to make decisions and have more control over how to spend your income. You will make decisions on how much to spend on shelter, food, basic transportation and other items.
  2. Disability Income benefit – intended to help with costs related to the impact of disability.
  3. Exceptional Need Income benefit(s) – helps you with a number of different circumstances. For example, additional income is available for clothing recommended by a health professional, special food items, food and grooming costs associated with service animals, and home care.

As of May 1, 2024, annual (calendar year) earned income exemptions are:

  • $6,500 for singles
  • $7,700 for couples
  • $8,500 for families

Note: Families with children earning more than $500 per month can apply for the new Saskatchewan Employment Incentive.

To help you keep track of their earnings, an Income Tracking Sheet is available.

For additional details on the specific amounts, refer to the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability rates.

Do you have questions about SAID income exemptions? See the SAID Income Exemptions Questions and Answers.


2. Eligibility

You may be eligible for SAID if the following apply to you:

  • are a Canadian Citizen, permanent resident, or have refugee status or are in Canada under the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel;
  • are living in Saskatchewan;
  • are 18 years or older;
  • lack financial resources to provide for your basic needs; and
  • have a significant and enduring disability that is of a permanent nature, substantially impacts daily living activities, and which result in a person requiring assistance in the form of an assistive device, assistance of another person, a service animal or other accommodation.

 A Disability Impact Assessment is a part of the application process and is designed to identify the presence of a significant and enduring disability.


3. How to apply

To apply for SAID, you can:

  • apply online;
  • call 1-888-567-SAID (7243) or, for TTY, 1-866-995-0099; or
  • visit your local Social Services Office.

You will need to provide:

  • Your Social Insurance Number (SIN) and Saskatchewan Health Services Number (HSN) – if you do not have a valid SIN or HSN, please provide verification that you have applied;
  • Information about your spouse/partner and/or children, including their SIN and HSN;
  • Details about money available to you, including cash, money in the bank, investments, RRSPs, stocks, bonds, GICs, etc.;
  • Details of items you own, such as property and vehicles;
  • Details on other benefits and/or pensions you are receiving;
  • Documents about your living situation such as a rental or tenancy agreement; and
  • A bank statement for all account(s) in your and your spouse’s name(s), if applicable.

You will have 30 days from the date you apply for SAID to complete or provide the following to the ministry:

  • A direct deposit authorization form;
  • Information about any money you have, including cash, savings, investments, RRSPs, GICs, etc.;
  • Details of items you own, such as property and vehicles;
  • Information about any other benefits and/or pensions you are receiving; and
  • Completion of the mandatory service questionnaire for yourself and, if applicable, your spouse.

Applying as a couple

If you are applying as a couple, your spouse/partner must apply with you. A spouse/partner means:

  • you are married or in a relationship where you have lived with your spouse/partner for three months or more;
  • your spouse/partner is the parent of your child; or
  • your family, friends or the public would assume you are a couple.

4. Apply

Apply Online

Applying online gives you the ability to change your address, update your contact information and upload documents about any changes in your circumstances through the online portal. You can also choose to receive text messages from the ministry that confirm we received information you submitted.

Learn how to access the client dashboard by viewing these instructions.

To apply online:

  1. Sign in or register to create a Saskatchewan Account. You must have an active email address to apply online.
  2. Allow 25 minutes or more to answer all the questions and attach documents that verify your information, such as pay stubs and rental agreements.
  3. You can access your online application anytime during the day and save, exit and return later. You must submit your completed application within 15 days of starting it. After 15 days, your application will expire and you will need to start a new application if you wish to apply.
  4. Protect your identity: After you are finished with your application, it is important that you Sign Out from your Saskatchewan account, clear your history/cookies and close the browser completely. This is particularly important if you are using a computer or mobile device that is not your own.

Use these step-by-step instructions to apply online. Please use Google Chrome or Safari as your internet browser when you apply.

If you are a current Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS) client wishing to apply for SAID, please speak with your Planning and Support Specialist or call the number below.

Apply Online Now

Apply by Phone

You may call Social Services at 1-888-567-SAID (7243) or TTY: 1-866-995-0099 Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Apply in Person

If you need additional help to complete an online application or if you do not have access to the internet or a phone, you may visit the nearest Social Services office where you can:

  • access a computer or phone to complete and submit an application; or
  • request help to complete an online application.

To apply in person, please visit your nearest Social Services office Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 pm or 1:00 pm to 5:00 p.m.

Social Services offices are closed on all public holidays.


5. After You Apply

Providing you with the right support

After you complete an application, we will ask you another set of questions about your health, education and employment history, etc. The information you provide will help us determine what service supports may best suit your needs as you move towards self-sufficiency to the best of your ability.

Maintain your benefit – Report a change in circumstances

It's important to report changes to your circumstances right away so you keep getting the right amount of money each month.

Changes can include:

  • finding or finishing a job;
  • changes to how much money you make or receive;
  • changes in your household size; for example, if you have a baby or start to care for a child or person who has a disability, you and your spouse/partner begin living together;
  • moving to a new address;
  • changes in your banking information; or
  • changes to your health, including family members.

How to report

Download the change of circumstance form(s) below and email the completed form(s) to

If you've been paid too much

You will have to repay the money if you:

  • did not report a change right away;
  • did not report any money received from any source;
  • gave wrong information; or
  • were overpaid by mistake.

Check the Standard Payment Dates Schedule

Check the payment dates schedule to find out when SAID payments are typically issued. Please note that there may be custom payment dates for some individuals.

If your application is denied

  • You will receive a letter with the decision.
  • The letter will outline next steps for appealing the decision, if you wish to do so.
  • You have 15 days to appeal, from the date on your letter.

6. Trusteeship, Money Management and Direct Pay

While the majority of clients are successful in managing their money and paying their own bills, some clients require additional support. In these instances, the ministry may provide direct payment of shelter benefits available for rent, utilities and security deposits on their behalf, or make arrangements for a trustee to help clients manage their entire budget.

A trustee can be a friend, family member, community-based organization or advocate. Trustees work with clients to help them pay their bills and ensure their basic needs are met. Trustees develop a personal relationship with clients, assess their needs and offer services based on those needs. In some cases, trustees can help clients buy groceries or provide a weekly payment for those who have a hard time budgeting throughout the month. They can also make direct payments for some or all of a client’s bills on their behalf, until the client is able to take on some or all of that role on their own.

Clients who may require trusteeship or money management supports include those who have an intellectual disability, mental illness, addictions issue or other medical condition that impacts their ability to manage their money effectively, or those who lack knowledge about managing a monthly budget.

Clients interested in accessing trusteeship and money management supports, or direct pay of shelter benefits, should contact their income assistance worker.


7. Further Information

You may be also interested in the following:


8. Household Budgeting

A budget helps you decide how to spend your money. If you run into difficulties, a budget can also help you make changes to your spending.

Learn about the importance of making a household budget and the steps you can take to create one.