Accessibility Legislation for Saskatchewan
During the development of Saskatchewan's accessibility legislation, the Government of Saskatchewan sought feedback from people across Saskatchewan, including the disability community, stakeholders, the private sector and general public.
Adapt a Home for a Person with a Disability
Learn if you are eligible for the Saskatchewan Home Repair Program - Adaptation for Independence Program and how to apply.
Financial Help for Home Care
Learn about the eligibility requirements and responsibilities of the Individualized Funding Program.
Cognitive Disability Strategy (CDS) Support
Apply for support services and benefits for individuals with cognitive disabilities who have significant behavioural and developmental challenges.
Employability Assistance for Persons with Disabilities
The Employability Assistance for Persons with Disabilities (EAPD) program provides funding for a broad range of supports that help Saskatchewan residents with a disability prepare for and make successful transitions into the workforce.
Health Services for People with Disabilities
Find more information about the many supports and services available to people living with disabilities.
Housing and Support for People with Intellectual Disabilities
Housing and support programs for people with intellectual disabilities.
Approved Private Service Homes
The Approved Private Service Home (APSH) program provides a certified residential family setting for individuals 18 years and older with intellectual disabilities.
Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID)
Individuals may apply for income support to help with living costs or costs related to the impact of a disability.
Office of Disability Issues
Identify and resolve issues of concern with provincial ministries and the disability community.
Saskatchewan Rental Housing Supplement (SRHS)
The Government of Saskatchewan has announced as of July 1, 2018, the Saskatchewan Rental Housing Supplement (SRHS) will suspend the intake of new applications. Current SRHS clients will continue to receive benefits as long as they remain eligible.
Saskatchewan Aids to Independent Living
Find more information about benefits and objectives of the Saskatchewan Aids to independent Living program.
Saskatchewan Disability Strategy
Released in June 2015, the Disability Strategy looks to address and identify the support and service needs of children and adults who experience disability.
Respite for Families Caring for a Child with Intellectual Disabilities
The Family Respite Program provides a temporary or short-term break from the daily responsibilities of care-giving for parents and guardians of children with intellectual disabilities.