The Ministry of Social Services has resumed mail delivery for clients, caregivers, and vendors who receive benefit payments by mail.
We encourage clients to switch to direct deposit, where benefit payments were unaffected during the recent Canada Post service disruption.
To learn more, visit Social Services Benefit Distribution Update.
The following 2025 dates apply to Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS) and Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID):
For the Month of | Monthly Cheques are Mailed |
Monthly Direct Deposit Payments are Deposited |
January | December 24 | December 30 |
February | January 28 | January 30 |
March | February 25 | February 27 |
April | March 25 | March 28 |
May | April 24 | April 29 |
June | May 27 | May 29 |
July | June 25 | June 27 |
August | July 28 | July 30 |
September | August 26 | August 28 |
October | September 25 | September 29 |
November | October 28 | October 30 |
December | November 25 | November 27 |