Child Care and Early Childhood Education Online Forms
Commonly used Child Care and Early Childhood Education forms available to download.
Child Care in Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan's Early Learning and Child Care Program supports high-quality care for children in healthy, safe and nurturing environments.
Federal Funding for Early Learning and Child Care
Investments for new regulated child care spaces, preschool pilots for children requiring intensive supports, new Francophone child care spaces, equipment grants, training for early learning and child care providers, and many other investments in the early learning and child care sector.
Saskatchewan's Early Years Plan
To make sure that all Saskatchewan children get a good start in life, the Government of Saskatchewan has developed Saskatchewan’s Early Years Plan 2016-2020.
Early Childhood Intervention Program
The Early Childhood Intervention Program is a network of community-based supports for families of children up to the age of six who experience developmental delays or are at risk of delay.
Child Care Subsidy
As of January 16, 2024, the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is no longer accepting new applications.
Regulated Child Care Facilities in Your Community
Find a regulated child care provider in your community using a searchable map of Saskatchewan.
Managing a Child Care Business
Learn more about running a child care business in Saskatchewan and find links to forms and the Early Learning and Child Care Programs.
Learn more about the structure and benefits of Prekindergarten programs in the province as well as how to apply for your child's spot.