If you find evidence of invasive zebra or quagga mussels, or other prohibited aquatic invasive species, please call the 24-hour TIPP line at 1-800-667-7561 or report online.
Invasive species are organisms (plants, animals, fish, bacteria, insects) that are not natural in a particular area and negatively impact the environment, economy and society. Invasive species can be intentionally introduced or unintentionally spread through recreational activities such as boating, hiking, fishing, transporting firewood, shipping materials, ballast water discharge and more.
Invasive species cost Canada billions of dollars in losses to forestry, agriculture, fisheries and other industries affected by their impact.
Government programs strive to manage the risk of invasive species and emerging infectious diseases in plants and animals, which pose a significant socio-economic and ecological threat to Saskatchewan.
The Framework for the Prevention and Management of Invasive Species in Saskatchewan provides a risk based and province-wide approach to dealing with invasive species and emerging infectious diseases of plants and animals. Managing invasive species will ensure the well-being of Saskatchewan’s diverse resources for future generations.