The Ministry of Environment offers free voluntary CWD testing during the hunting season. The results will be available in roughly six weeks from drop-off.
Please note: Samples may be deemed untestable for a number of reasons. This includes missing, decomposed, damaged samples or animals that were shot in the head. Samples from animals less than one year of age (fawns and calves) will not be tested.
Please note: A negative test results means the disease was not detected using standard laboratory methods. The ability to detect disease is dependent on a number of factors including the stage of progression of the disease in the infected animal.
The ministry is not responsible for the quality of samples received at the laboratory or extracted by hunters. Please ensure that your head is frozen promptly after harvest to prevent decomposition.
If you have lost your tracking number of have a question regarding your testing result, please contact our CWD technician at 306-552-3029 or
If you receive a positive test result, you are authorized to dispose of your carcass, carcass parts, or bone-in meat in a ministry-approved landfill. Hunters are advised to contact landfill operators to make arrangements prior to carcass disposal.
Processed meat may be double bagged and disposed of in regular household waste in limited quantities. Landfill operators should be contacted prior to disposal of larger quantities (i.e. meat from whole elk or deer). Meat from CWD positive animals should not be composted.