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Solid Waste Management Strategy

As the province implements Saskatchewan's Growth Plan: the Next Decade of Growth 2020-2030, which envisions 1.4 million people living in the province by 2030 and 100,000 more people working, we recognize how managing our solid waste requires a strategic approach to ensure our municipal and industrial landfills are not overwhelmed and the environment is not polluted.

On January 23, 2020, the Government of Saskatchewan released the Solid Waste Management Strategy with a vision to reduce and manage solid waste going to landfills using a practical, sustainable and integrated waste management system that protects the environment and promotes economic development and innovation. The strategy recognizes that we all have a significant role to play in reducing the amount of solid waste we send to landfill through actions to:

  • reduce the waste we produce;
  • reuse items as much as possible;
  • recycle waste items so their materials can be recovered and reused; and
  • compost organic waste residues.

Feedback received from public engagement activities in spring 2017, as well as recommendations from the Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee, informed the strategy's direction, goals and commitments for reducing and managing waste.

The strategy commits the province to reducing waste to 592 kg/person by 2030 (30 per cent reduction) and 423 kg/person by 2040 (50 per cent reduction). To do this, the strategy outlines six goals and 39 commitments to action in the short, medium and long term. The six goals of the strategy are:

  1. Enhance education, awareness and technical understanding of waste management best practices and the risks of improper practices across Saskatchewan;
  2. Encourage regional collaboration to enhance the cost effectiveness of waste management infrastructure;
  3. Provide a robust and flexible regulatory system for waste disposal and management;
  4. Enhance waste diversion across Saskatchewan;
  5. Foster innovative and sustainable solutions to manage waste; and
  6. Demonstrate government leadership in waste management.

Progress towards the strategy's commitments will be reported annually, and the strategy itself will be reviewed every five years to ensure it remains on track to guide the Government of Saskatchewan's efforts to meet its objectives to reduce waste.

Read the strategy

Read the committee's recommendations

Read the annual report


Solid Waste Management Infographic

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