During the writ period (today until October 28, 2024), this website will be limited to information about emergencies and public safety concerns.
For details on immigration, visit Immigrating and Moving to Saskatchewan.
Get answers with our Frequently Asked Questions.

Pendant la période électorale (aujourd’hui jusqu’au 28 octobre 2024), ce site Web devra limiter ses publications uniquement à des renseignements sur les urgences et à des préoccupations en matière de sécurité publique.
Pour des renseignements sur l’immigration, visitez Immigrer et déménager en Saskatchewan.
Trouver des réponses en consultant la Foire aux questions (en anglais).

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A number of pages on the Government of Saskatchewan's website have been professionally translated in French. These translations are identified by a yellow box in the right or left rail that resembles the link below. The home page for French-language content on this site can be found at:

Renseignements en Français

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Meet Our Recycling Heroes

Meet our Recycling Heroes – here to protect our communities and environments from the harmful effects of waste! Each hero has special challenges for you to reduce waste and protect the planet.

Are YOU ready to do what it takes to become a recycling hero?

Captain Compost

Graphic of Captain Compost putting trash into recycle bins

Here are my missions for you, Recycling Hero:

  • Compost Crusader: Set up compost bins at home to collect fruit and veggie scraps, coffee grounds, eggshells, etc. to turn into garden boosters.
  • Food Waste Detective: I challenge you to track your food waste for a week! Write down any uneaten food, spoiled produce or leftovers. Identify patterns and think about how you can reduce food waste at school and at home.
  • Neighbourhood Clean-up: Organize a clean-up event focused on yard waste! Collect fallen leaves, branches and other organic materials and put them in your compost bin.
  • Composting Ambassador: Educate your friends and family about the importance of composting. Spread the word!

Recycle Ranger

Graphic of Recycle Ranger character putting things into recycle bins

Here are my missions for you, Recycling Hero:

  • Recycling Club: Start a recycling club with your teacher to reduce waste and inspire others. Organize a fun recycling challenge!
  • E-Waste Collection Drive: Organize an event to collect old electronics (like gaming systems, cameras, laptops or chargers) from families, friends and neighbours. These items can then be properly recycled.
  • Recycling Bin Audit: Organize a fun activity with your family or classmates to inspect your recycling bins. Check if items are correctly sorted and create awareness about proper recycling.
  • Take the pledge: Commit to using reusable water bottles, saying no to plastic cups and utensils, and properly recycling items whenever possible. Encourage others to do the same!

Upcycle Artist

Graphic of girl recycling artist upcycling items for new purpose - chair, skirt and tire flower container

Here are my missions for you, Recycling Hero:

  • Upcycling Art Contest: Encourage friends and family to turn trash into art! They can use discarded materials like bottle caps, broken toys or fabric scraps to create unique sculptures, paintings or jewelry.
  • Trash-to-Treasure Challenge: Challenge friends and family to transform everyday waste items (such as plastic bottles, cardboard or old jars) into creative and useful objects. For example, they could make planters, bird feeders, flower vases or pencil holders.
  • Clothing Swap: Organize a clothing swap in your school or community. Consider a theme, such as party clothes or Halloween costumes.

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