Youth Council members have an important role in providing advice and insights that contribute to the delivery of education in Saskatchewan.
Students are the centre of Saskatchewan's education system and their voices play an important role in shaping it. The mandate of the Youth Council is to provide advice and insights on education policies, curriculum, programs and priorities.
“The insights provided by our youth are essential for shaping policies that directly impact their education and future. I am confident that this year’s council will bring fresh perspectives that will help us continue to improve and adapt our education system.”
– Jeremy Cockrill, Minister of Education
2024-25 Youth Council Members
The 2024-25 Youth Council consists of 12 students in grades 10-12 from different Saskatchewan school divisions, who will serve for a one school year term:
- Ben Ansell, Prairie South School Division
- Brooklynn Gardiner, Ile-a-la-Crosse School Division
- De Wet Luus, Horizon School Division
- Demi Ogundele, Luther College High School
- Elissa Holinaty, North East School Division
- Grace Bosch, Chinook School Division
- Jade Ezumah, Lloydminster Catholic School Division
- Kale Roberts, Prairie Spirit School Division
- Mia (Micaiah) Hack, Sask DLC
- Rylan Iron, Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
- Tari Wenzel, Sun West School Division
- Theron Roberts, Northern Light School Division
“I believe that student voice is important in the school setting as a means of creating a place where students want to be and where they can excel.”
– Tari Wenzel, 2024-25 Youth Council Member,
Sun West School Division
More information about of the 2024-25 provincial Youth Council members can be found in their biographies.