First Nations and Métis Education
The Government of Saskatchewan is working in partnership with First Nations and Métis people and organizations toward improved education outcomes for First Nations and Métis students.
1. Inspiring Success: First Nations and Métis PreK-12 Education Policy Framework
Inspiring Success: First Nations and Métis PreK-12 Education Policy Framework was developed with participation from First Nations and Métis organizations, Elders and Traditional Knowledge Keepers, post-secondary and provincial Prekindergarten to Grade 12 (PreK-12) education stakeholders. The vision of Inspiring Success is a provincial PreK-12 education system that foundationally places Indigenous knowledge systems, cultures and languages within the structures, policies and curricula to ensure an equitable and inclusive system that benefits all learners. Inspiring Success guides actions at all levels of the education sector and drives the government's priorities for Indigenous PreK-12 education. Inspiring Success supports reconciliation, treaty education, Indigenous cultures and languages in the classroom, as well as the infusion of Indigenous perspectives and ways of knowing into all renewed curricula to benefit all learners.
2. Provincial Education Plan
The Provincial Education Plan unites partners in a shared vision, focuses efforts on improved results and encourages collaborative work across the province through four key priorities of equal importance: learning and assessment, Indigenous education, mental health and well-being, and student transitions. The Provincial Education Plan will actualize the vision and goals of Inspiring Success by:
- achieving the Inspiring Success vision and goals will support the achievement of success for Indigenous students and an equitable and inclusive system that benefits all learners;
- promoting local action and developing measures to track progress and ensure effective practices are implemented and shared;
- working towards an inclusive workforce strategy and continued efforts to include Indigenous voices in all areas of education; and
- supporting the costs of the PreK-12 Microsoft Licensing Agreement in First Nations schools.
3. Strengthening Relationships
Following Their Voices is a Saskatchewan education sector initiative designed in partnership with First Nations and Métis education organizations to improve First Nations, Métis and Inuit student outcomes. It focuses on changing student-teacher relationships, interactions, teacher instructional practices and the learning environment in order to engage and support students.
Success will be measured by increases in:
- student engagement;
- participation;
- credit attainment; and,
- graduation rates.
Following Their Voices is based on research that was conducted with First Nations and Métis engaged and non-engaged students, parents/caregivers, teachers and school administrators about what is needed in order to be successful as a First Nations or Métis student in school. The voices of these groups were profound in terms of the issues they identified and their words and insights, along with international research, and guidance and advice from Elders and Knowledge Keepers formed the foundation of this initiative.
4. Building Partnerships
The Invitational Shared Services Initiative brings together the provincial education system and First Nations education authorities to support students living on-reserve through partnership agreements initiated by First Nations with provincial school divisions.
First Nations and Métis education organizations and school divisions develop partnerships to provide supports and services that:
- focus on First Nations students living on-reserve attending provincial schools;
- are of mutual benefit to both partners;
- is not funded through other sources or programs;
- addresses at least one of the Inspiring Success goals;
- answers at least one of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action; and
- includes a Letter of Understanding that outlines the programs and services agreed upon over the course of the partnership.
The Ministry of Education is committed to continuous engagement and building partnerships with First Nations and Métis peoples through initiatives such as Inspiring Success, Following Their Voices, The Invitational Shared Services Initiative and the Provincial Education Plan.