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COVID-19 Treatments

Antiviral medications may be used in the early treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 illness in patients who are at high risk for progression to severe illness that may require hospitalization.

Antiviral treatments, Paxlovid™ and remdesivir (Veklury™), help reduce the viral load of COVID-19 virus in the body. They are not used to prevent COVID-19 infection before you test positive. Treatments are only effective when initiated in the very early phase of infection.

While most vaccinated people have enough immunity to fight COVID-19 infection, those who are moderately to severely immunocompromised may benefit from antiviral therapy.

Treatment for COVID-19 is Not a Substitute for Vaccination.

Treatment for COVID-19 does not offer equal protection to vaccination. Getting vaccinated remains the most important intervention to reduce the risk of hospitalization and other severe outcomes from COVID-19.


1. Antiviral medications: Paxlovid™

Treatment with Paxlovid™ must start within five days of symptom onset. The medication consists of tablets taken every 12 hours for five days.

A physician or nurse practitioner will decide whether to prescribe an antiviral medication, taking into consideration patient risks, current medications, and underlying conditions.

Coverage for Paxlovid™ may be available based on eligibility. Eligibility criteria can be found at the medSask website under Paxlovid Prescribing and Eligibility Criteria.

Additional information, including the Paxlovid™ Prescription form for healthcare professionals on COVID-19 therapeutics (i.e., Paxlovid ™) can be found at the medSask website.

Pharmacies Prescribing and Dispensing Paxlovid

View map of pharmacies


2. Antiviral medication: Remdesivir (Veklury™)

Treatment with remdesivir must start within seven days of symptom onset. This is an intravenous treatment of at least 60 minutes daily for three consecutive days.

A physician or nurse practitioner will decide whether to prescribe remdesivir (Veklury™), taking into consideration patient risks, current medications, and underlying conditions.

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