Released on March 19, 2025
The Government of Saskatchewan is investing in education with a $3.5 billion Ministry of Education budget. This is an increase of $183.5 million, or 5.5 per cent, over last year and supports Prekindergarten to Grade 12 schools, early learning and child care and libraries.
Saskatchewan's 27 school divisions will receive $2.4 billion in school operating funding for the 2025-26 school year, a record increase of $186.4 million or 8.4 per cent. In addition to school operating investments, school infrastructure will see $191.3 million invested during 2025-26.
"Ensuring that our children are afforded the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe and welcoming environment will provide them with the skills, knowledge and self-confidence to succeed," Education Minister Everett Hindley said. "This continued investment in our children's futures addresses enrolment growth and supports the needs of students and teachers in today's classrooms."
The budget includes an increase of $130.0 million to fund a new teacher collective agreement and address the pressures of growing student enrolment and the challenges facing today's classrooms. There is $54.4 million to address non-teacher salary increases, transportation and inflation and to implement 50 of the 200 Specialized Support Classrooms being added over the next four years.
An additional $2.0 million is dedicated to advancing the work of the ministry and education partners to improve Kindergarten to Grade 3 reading levels across the province. Learning to read is one of the most valuable skills developed during childhood and strong early literacy skills set the foundation for lifelong academic success.
Additionally, the 2025-26 Budget includes $4.6 million, an increase of $1.6 million, to further expand the Mental Health Capacity Building initiative to more schools.
School infrastructure continues to be a key priority, with $65.0 million for Preventative Maintenance and Renewal projects. This is an increase of 30 per cent, or $15.0 million, over last year's budget to allow boards of education and the conseil scolaire to maintain existing facilities.
The overall school capital budget for 2025-26 is $191.3 million to continue to respond to education infrastructure needs. This includes $28.5 million for relocatable classrooms to help address growth, ongoing funding for 21 new or consolidated schools, three major renovations and three minor capital renewal projects underway across Saskatchewan. Also included is funding to begin planning for one new replacement school, preplanning for four new schools to address growth and three new minor capital renewal projects, including:
- Replacement of South Corman Park School;
- Preplanning for a new joint-use public and Catholic elementary school in Saskatoon Northeast (Aspen Ridge);
- Preplanning for new public and Catholic elementary schools in Saskatoon West (Kensington);
- A new project at Canora Composite School for roof and exterior repairs;
- A new renovation project at Barr Colony School in Lloydminster; and
- A new roof replacement project at St. Olivier School in Radville.
Funding for early learning and child care in this year's budget is $413.3 million. The Government of Saskatchewan is committed to increasing access to high-quality early learning and child care for Saskatchewan families. Already, Saskatchewan has achieved 75 per cent of the ambitious target of 28,000 new spaces set in the Canada-Saskatchewan Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement. This rapid pace of development will continue over 2025-26.
The 2025-26 Budget provides Saskatchewan's library system with $11.6 million and $1.1 million for funded literacy organizations.
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