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Recognizing Social Workers: Celebrating Their Impact and Contributions

Released on March 17, 2025

The Government of Saskatchewan has officially declared March 17-22, 2025, as Social Work Week in Saskatchewan. This annual recognition aligns with National Social Work Month and recognizes the significant contributions social workers make in supporting and strengthening our communities. 

"Social workers provide critical support to individuals, families and communities across Saskatchewan, helping people navigate challenges and improve their quality of life," Social Services Minister Terry Jenson said. "We are grateful for the dedication and expertise of registered social workers who make a meaningful difference in the lives of so many." 

There are over 3,000 registered social workers in Saskatchewan, making contributions across various sectors, including health care, education, justice, child welfare, disability services, community-based organizations and private practice. Their work addresses complex social issues such as mental health challenges, family crises and community development. 

The Saskatchewan Association of Social Workers (SASW) regulates and promotes the profession of social work in the province. The association establishes registration requirements, upholds a code of ethics and standards of practice, provides professional development opportunities, and ensures a robust complaints and discipline process to maintain accountability and public trust. 

"I would like to thank all Registered Social Workers in Saskatchewan for your dedicated work to enhance the lives of individuals, families and communities," SASW President Amanda Knievel said. "Registered Social Workers also address broad social issues that impact the lives of Saskatchewan residents and are committed to competent and ethical practice." 

For more information on Social Work Week in Saskatchewan, please visit the Saskatchewan Association of Social Workers' website at or the SASW Facebook page.                                                                            


For more information, contact:

Media Relations
Social Services
Phone: 306-787-3610

Karen Wasylenka
Saskatchewan Association of Social Workers
Phone: 306-545-9155

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