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Saskatchewan to Support Municipalities in Addressing Derelict Buildings

Released on March 11, 2025

The Government of Saskatchewan is developing a pilot framework that would allow participating municipalities to work with volunteer fire departments to safely dispose of problem, municipal-owned structures for fire fighter training exercises.

"We are making it easier for municipalities to tackle long-standing concerns about derelict buildings, while taking into account the safety of residents and consideration of environmental concerns," Environment Minister Travis Keisig said. "This pilot project will be a great example of collaboration that benefits communities across the province."

Derelict buildings pose both public safety and economic issues for municipalities, hindering redevelopment and posing safety hazards.

"Municipalities are best placed to make decisions that best serve the long-term needs of their communities," Government Relations Minister Eric Schmalz said. "We will continue to work with our stakeholders to ensure that the provincial government is able to support cost-effective, locally-made and managed decisions."

The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) supports the changes, recognizing the potential benefits for rural municipalities. 

"SARM is pleased to hear the provincial government is initiating a pilot program to assist rural municipalities with the removal and remediation of derelict buildings they have been forced to assume title on," SARM President Bill Huber said. "Rural municipalities want to encourage families to live, work and stay in rural Saskatchewan, and nothing is more discouraging than a surplus of abandoned buildings."

Municipalities have raised concerns about the financial burdens and safety risks of managing these structures. 

"As a municipality that absorbed a village in 2017, we have experienced first-hand the financial burden accompanying the demolition of derelict buildings," Reeve of Kellross Rural Municipality No. 247 Thad Trefiak said. "This program will help us with the on-going challenges related to aging infrastructure."

It is anticipated that details of the pilot framework will be available to municipalities in summer 2025. 

During the spring legislative session, the Government of Saskatchewan will address any regulatory or legislative changes required to support this pilot framework.


For more information, contact:

Colleen Book
Phone: 306-519-9290

Media Desk
Government Relations
Phone: 306-798-7045

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