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Saskatchewan set to Receive Over $700 Million in Canada's Historic Tobacco Settlement

Released on March 10, 2025

The Government of Saskatchewan is pleased to see a resolution was reached in efforts to recover funds for the provincial healthcare system from tobacco companies that have sold cigarettes in Canada.

The Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Ontario approved a compensation plan that constitutes the largest resolution of its kind in the history of Canada, and the third largest ever anywhere in the world. Under this compensation plan, tobacco companies will be required to pay a total of $32.5 billion.

Saskatchewan will receive approximately $700 million.

"Our government is pleased with the decision made in Ontario last week," Health Minister Jeremy Cockrill said. "These funds will support our ongoing cancer care and prevention efforts for the people of our province."

The compensation plan will:

  • Put significant amounts of money into provincial and territorial health care systems for improved treatment and care.
  • Provide meaningful compensation from tobacco companies to individual victims of smoking.
  • Provide clear accountability to the cigarette manufacturers for past conduct and wrongful practices.

This plan builds on the work being done in Saskatchewan and across the country to reduce the number of people who smoke.

The Government of Saskatchewan remains committed to supporting prevention, cessation, and enforcement of tobacco, nicotine and vapour products, particularly regarding youth.

For more information on tobacco and vapour products in Saskatchewan please visit:


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Media Relations
Phone: 306-787-4083

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