Released on November 18, 2024
Saskatchewan has officially proclaimed November 17-23, 2024, as Child and Youth in Care Week.
"Child and Youth in Care Week acknowledges the lived experiences of children and youth who are in the Government of Saskatchewan's care, recognizing their strength and resilience as we celebrate their contributions to their communities and our province," Social Services Minister Terry Jenson said. "Our government applauds the work the Saskatchewan Youth in Care and Custody Network does in elevating the voices of youth who are or have been in care."
The Saskatchewan Youth in Care and Custody Network is a "by youth, for youth" community-based organization that provides services, support and advocacy for children and youth aged 14 to 24 who have been in multiple types of care or in custody including those who have been adopted.
"Child and Youth in Care Week is about celebrating the power of youth voice and amplifying the many achievements of young people in and from government care," Saskatchewan Youth in Care and Custody Network Executive Director Stephanie Bustamante said. "It is an opportunity for every child and youth in and from government care to share their experiences, advocate for their rights and engage with their communities in meaningful ways."
As part of a multi-year youth engagement initiative, the Government of Saskatchewan incorporates feedback from children and youth with lived experience in care. Organizations like the Saskatchewan Youth in Care and Custody Network, along with the recently established Youth Advisory Teams, provide opportunities for youth to shape the province's child welfare policies, services and supports.
For more information about Saskatchewan Youth in Care and Custody Network, please visit:
For more information, contact:Saskatchewan Youth in Care and Custody Network Inc.
Phone: 306-533-0667