Released on February 16, 2024
On February 8, 2024, WSK Well Service Inc. pleaded guilty in Rosetown Provincial Court to one violation of The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020.
The company was fined for contravening clause 3-1 (a) of the regulations (being an employer at a place of employment, fail to provide and maintain plant, systems of work and working environments that ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of the employers workers, resulting in the serious injury of a worker). As a result, the Court imposed a fine of $46,428.57 with a surcharge of $18,571.43, for a total amount of $65,000.
One other charge was stayed.
The charges stemmed from an incident that occurred on January 18, 2022, a worksite incident occurred near Elrose, Saskatchewan, where a worker was seriously injured when they were struck by a rod.
The Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety works with employers and workers to eliminate workplace injuries and illnesses through education, inspections and prosecutions.
For more information, contact:
Gladys WasylenchukLabour Relations and Workplace Safety
Phone: 306-787-2411