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Muskwa Lake Wellness Camp Completes New Cabins and Names Addictions Treatment Lodge

Released on August 16, 2024

Mental Health and Addictions Minister Tim McLeod is joining with Muskwa Lake Wellness Camp to mark the completion of new addictions treatment spaces and the dedication of a new main lodge to a respected elder.

With winterization and construction complete on the cabins, the camp near Pinehouse has 15 permanent inpatient addictions treatment spaces, up from 12 temporary spaces.

Muskwa Lake also announced that its soon-to-be built new main lodge will be named Sītoskātotān Lodge (pronounced see-to-ska-to-than), meaning "support each other." The new lodge is dedicated to the late Leonard McCallum, a visionary who pioneered the land-based community healing camp.

"Muskwa Lake Wellness Camp brings people together to provide vital, culturally responsive addictions treatment services," McLeod said. "I am proud that we can support the camp as it helps people on their recovery journey. The $1.6 million in annual funding will provide the camp with stable and reliable funding to continue its great work."

Muskwa Lake Wellness Camp is operated by Kineepik Métis Local #9 and has been in operation for over 37 years. The camp is a grassroots, community-directed program that provides land-based health intervention. 

"The name Sītoskātotān, meaning 'supporting each other' in Cree, captures the spirit of the initiative that Leonard so passionately championed," Kineepik Métis Local #9 Health and Wellness Manager Kimberly Smith said. "Leonard McCallum was a man of deep conviction who, despite his personal struggles with alcoholism, held a steadfast belief in the power of community and the importance of healing through connection with the land and each other. The Sītoskātotān Lodge stands as a testament to his vision and his unwavering commitment to our community."

The new main lodge will have improved spaces for group and individual counselling, as well as industrial kitchen and laundry spaces. It will provide a safe space where individuals can reconnect with the land, participate in traditional healing practices and find strength in the support of others.

The operational funding agreement for the camp is between Muskwa Lake and the Saskatchewan Health Authority. The camp will be able to service 120 patients a year.

The 15 spaces at Muskwa Lake are part of the provincial government's commitment to add 500 addictions spaces under the new Action Plan for Mental Health and Addictions. So far, 213 addictions treatment spaces have been announced including: 15 inpatient treatment spaces at Thorpe Recovery Centre near Lloydminster, 26 post-treatment spaces at St. Joseph's Addiction Recovery Centre in Estevan, 32 intensive outpatient treatment spaces through Possibilities Recovery Center in Saskatoon, 14 inpatient addictions treatment spaces at the former Drumming Hill Youth Centre facility in North Battleford, 60 inpatient treatment spaces in Lumsden, 15 withdrawal management spaces at Onion Lake and 36 virtual spaces through EHN Canada. 

The 2024-25 Provincial Budget invests a record $574 million in mental health and addiction supports and services. This is the largest investment in the province's history for mental health and addiction supports.


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Phone: 306-787-4083

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