Released on September 26, 2023
The Government of Saskatchewan is investing more than $1.45 million to improve the airport at Pelican Narrows.
"Airports are the vital lifelines of numerous northern communities," Highways Minister Lori Carr said. "They facilitate the transport of crucial goods, ensuring swift access to medical facilities for people in need. During specific seasons, a local airport often becomes the sole gateway to and from these northern communities."
The improvements at Pelican Narrows airport include a paved runway, taxiway and apron.
The project, initially announced in the 2023 provincial budget, saw Warman Construction commence work on the improvements in June, and is now on track to complete the project by the end of September, with Associated Engineering serving as the project's consultant.
The aviation industry is a critical support to economic development in northern Saskatchewan. Commercial flights move people and goods while private operators support the tourism, energy, mining and forestry industries.
Northern airports are also important in supporting vital human services. Air ambulance relies on northern airports to transport patients to and from medical services, while the justice system uses aviation to bring courtrooms to northern communities.
The Ministry of Highways owns and operates 16 northern airports to ensure aviation service is available to all northern residents. The Government of Saskatchewan is investing $89.4 million in this year's budget to build, operate and maintain the transportation system in northern Saskatchewan.
For more information, contact:
Steve ShaheenHighways
Phone: 306-260-9159