Released on September 5, 2023
Schools across the province will come back to life with the sounds of school bells ringing, lockers clanking and the voices of children and youth flooding the hallways, as many Saskatchewan students return to class today.
"The Government of Saskatchewan is excited to welcome the more than 190,000 students back to school whether they have chosen to learn in person, online or at home," Minister of Education Jeremy Cockrill said. "The Ministry of Education is pleased to work with our educational partners to offer choice in education while continuing to provide students with the highest quality education experiences possible."
Over 11,500 teachers and over 10,300 education support staff have been working to prepare for this day and the school year ahead. Student success would not be possible without the contributions from all members of the education team, including education professionals, teachers, education assistants, library technicians, bus drivers, custodians, and administrative personnel. Their dedication to educating and supporting Saskatchewan students helps ensure students have access to optimal places for learning.
Safety is also top of mind as students make their way back to school. We encourage all motorists to be mindful of their surroundings, abide by the posted speed limits and watch for students on their way to and from school and while getting on and off buses.
Welcome back to all those who are returning and to those who are joining us as new students for an exciting year of fun, learning and new possibilities.
For more information, contact:
Chelsey BalaskiEducation
Phone: 3067871414