Released on October 25, 2023
Lieutenant Governor Russ Mirasty will formally open the Fourth Session of the Twenty-Ninth Legislature with the Speech from the Throne on October 25, in the Assembly Chamber of the Saskatchewan Legislative Building.
"Taking part in the opening of the Legislature provides Saskatchewan citizens an excellent opportunity to experience our parliamentary customs close up," Mirasty said. "I invite everyone to join us today in celebrating our traditions."
The public is invited to the outdoor portion of the ceremony, which begins at 1:20 p.m. in front of the Legislative Building at 2405 Legislative Drive in Regina. The Lieutenant Governor will be greeted by Premier Scott Moe, followed by a Vice-Regal Salute and the inspection of the Canadian Forces Honour Guard.
"Each year this day holds a significant place within Saskatchewan's longstanding democratic heritage; one that spans over a century," Moe said. "I am proud to participate in today's ceremony and am eager to see what we can achieve for our province in the upcoming session."
The opening of the Legislative Assembly has taken place to mark each session since 1906, when representatives of the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary first gathered to hear Lieutenant Governor Amédée Forget acknowledge expressions of welcome into the Canadian Federation from Ottawa and the other provincial Legislatures.
For more information, contact:
Jamie ShanksIntergovernmental Affairs
Phone: 306-787-5155