Released on May 16, 2023
89 Per Cent Report Decreased Substance Misuse
The Government of Saskatchewan is investing $912,849 over three years to support Kate’s Place, an increase of approximately $27,000 from the previous three-year agreement.
Kate’s Place is operated by the Salvation Army and offers eight, two-bedroom units for adult women participating in the Regina Drug Treatment Court (RDTC), or those placed under supervision by Community Corrections, who are addressing substance misuse and dependence. It provides 24-hour, supervised and supportive housing to women and their children. It has been funded by the Government of Saskatchewan since 2014.
"Kate's Place offers court-monitored treatment, programming, and helps women build positive parenting skills, establish connections to employment and regain control of their lives," Justice Minister and Attorney General Bronwyn Eyre said. "In recent years, twenty babies have been born drug-free to women living at Kate's Place, and ten women have regained custody of their children. That is significant."
In addition, 74 per cent of residents had 90 or more clean days prior to leaving the facility; 89 per cent reported decreased substance misuse; 95 per cent improved life skills in the areas of financial literacy and personal management skills; and 89 per cent say they understand the impact that their offences may have had on victims.
"The Salvation Army Kate’s Place offers a beacon of hope to women struggling to overcome addiction and transform their lives,” Kate’s Place with The Salvation Army Executive Director Major Karen Hoeft said. “The Salvation Army is excited to continue to partner to provide much needed supports for women and their children.”
Kate’s Place is the only dedicated housing option for women in the RDTC and electronic monitoring programs within Saskatchewan. In 2021-22, 19 women were referred there, and the average length of stay was 148 days. Residents are typically between 22 and 35, and many live with chronic physical and mental health issues, in addition to drug use.
Like other community-based organizations, Kate's Place received a three per cent increase from the Government of Saskatchewan for fiscal years 2023 to 2026.
For more information, contact:
Ariane WhitingJustice and Attorney General
Phone: 306-787-8621