Released on July 12, 2023
The Government of Saskatchewan has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to find prospective proponents to develop and operate four Supportive Family Living Programs throughout Saskatchewan. As announced in the 2023-24 provincial budget, a $1.3 million investment is expanding Supportive Family Living Program services to 17 families in Moose Jaw, Fort Qu'Appelle, Prince Albert and Saskatoon, helping to keep vulnerable children and families together while parents address safety concerns and build capacity to safely care for their children.
"Programs that strengthen families and allow them to safely remain together work very well to address current and future child protection issues," Minister of Social Services Gene Makowsky said. "These new spaces will provide more intensive supports to families that need it, allowing more parents to receive emergent services, and minimizing time children spend in out-of-home care while families await admission to these programs."
One new program will be located in Fort Qu'Appelle, Moose Jaw and Saskatoon, each providing four spaces for vulnerable families. The fourth program will provide five spaces in Prince Albert, for a total of 17 new spaces. The Saskatoon program will offer short-term assessment suites to support families with children at imminent risk of entering care to safely stay together while long-term support services can be put in place.
A key element will be the ability to provide a family-centered approach that offers intensive residential and community supports to families in crisis, including access to First Nations culture, Elders and ceremonies.
The RFP outlines details relating to criteria, process, timelines and other relevant information and can be found at
The submission deadline is August 8, 2023.
This year's expansion of Supportive Family Living Programs follows a $9.7 million investment in 2022-23 to fund 13 Supportive Family Living Programs that already provide 137 spaces across the province operated by community partners. At any given time in 2022, these spaces helped approximately 2,500 children in need of protection to remain safely in their family homes rather than coming into care.
For more information, contact:
Media RelationsSocial Services
Phone: 306-787-3610