Released on December 7, 2023
Starting January 1, 2024, the Government of Saskatchewan's revised First Nation and Métis Consultation Policy Framework (CPF) will come into effect.
"The changes made to the CPF were built on the key themes we heard during our engagement process in the fall and winter of 2022,"Government Relations Minister and Minister Responsible for First Nations, Métis and Northern Affairs Don McMorris said. "We are committed to improving transparency and communications throughout the CPF process, toward greater capacity, and building stronger relationships between First Nation and Métis communities, industry and government."
Following consultation with the leadership of First Nation and Métis communities and organizations, industry associations, and municipal organizations throughout the province, the revised CPF was announced in August and includes:
- Affirmation of the province's commitment to its constitutional obligations concerning Aboriginal and Treaty rights, and to economic reconciliation that will improve social and economic outcomes for First Nation and Métis people throughout the province.
- A revised Duty to Consult Assessment Chart, which reduces the categories of consultation from five levels to three, to add clarity and reduce complexity.
- Improved timelines for both governments and communities, increasing accountability and predictability for all participants.
- Commitment to effective and meaningful fulfilment of the government's duty to consult.
CPF materials to support engagement activities by communities and proponents will be posted to Available now are the revised CPF policy and updated Consultation Participation Fund grant criteria. As of January 1, the Proponent Handbook and the community guide to funding applications will be available.
Through 2024, the Ministry of Government Relations will provide additional information and training for First Nation and Métis communities, industry, and municipal organizations to implement and support these policy changes.
For more information, contact:
Karen HillGovernment Relations
Phone: 306-798-6095