Released on August 14, 2023
Another building that housed a Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA) Retail Inc. liquor store has been sold.
SLGA has accepted an offer for the property located in Assiniboia for $260,000.
SLGA previously accepted offers on properties located in the communities of Fort Qu'Appelle, Watrous, Biggar, Esterhazy, La Ronge, Buffalo Narrows, Creighton, Carlyle, Humboldt and Moosomin. To date, total property sales have resulted in $3,515,000.
SLGA Retail Inc. owned 19 of its 34 store properties. Four of the buildings will be repurposed for other government organizations. Buildings currently for sale are listed on
All 34 SLGA retail stores ceased operations, with the last of the stores closing, on March 11.
In 2022-2023, SLGA posted a record profit of $518 million. SLGA continues to be the wholesaler and distributor of beverage alcohol in Saskatchewan as well as the regulator of liquor, gaming and cannabis for the province. SLGA continues to be the wholesaler and distributor of beverage alcohol in Saskatchewan as well as the regulator of liquor, gaming and cannabis for the province.
For more information, contact:
Stephanie ChomaSaskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority
Phone: 306-787-1799