Released on April 3, 2023
Saskatchewan Kindergarten to Grade 12 students who want to learn online through the new provincial online school can now begin registering at Students can choose to attend the Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre (Sask DLC) part-time or full-time depending on what options work best for them, and as with in-person education there is no cost for students under the age of 22.
Adult learners aged 22 and older are able to take Sask DLC courses as well, and will pay tuition for each course.
Sask DLC has more than 180 online course options covering all core requirements for each grade, and including many exciting high school electives such as Agriculture and Sustainable Food Production, Communications Media, Creative Writing, Drafting CAD, Financial Literacy, Hairstyling and Esthetics, Hockey Skills, Law, Mental Wellness, Photography, Psychology and Wildlife Management, among others.
"Our government continues to firmly believe that the best place for students is in a classroom, but we have heard from parents and students that they want more flexibility and choice when it comes to education," Education Minister Dustin Duncan said. "This new and innovative approach to learning in our province will ensure all students have access to high quality education regardless of where they are living in Saskatchewan."
Students who register with the new school will then be connected to their local school division, allowing students to access local supports and activities such as speech-language pathologists and educational psychology assessments. School divisions will also provide student activities such as driver's license training, graduation ceremonies and extra-curricular activities, including arts and sports.
Registered students will be able to select courses in May. Students who have questions or would like assistance registering can contact the Sask DLC at 306-252-1000 or
For more information, contact:
Chelsey BalaskiEducation
Phone: 306-787-1414
Cell: 306-527-7273
Lori Gasper
Sask DLC
Cell: 306-381-4535