Released on September 1, 2022
With the Labour Day Classic drawing many to the Regina region this weekend, the Government of Saskatchewan is reminding motorists to plan ahead, slow down, and obey reduced speed limits in work zones.
"Highway improvements benefit everyone, but the safety of travelers and those working on Saskatchewan roads is paramount," Minister of Highways Jeremy Cockrill said. "The continued vigilance and patience of drivers allow these upgrades to happen safely."
Increased traffic in the province and around the Queen City will mean longer delays as more drivers navigate construction zones on our highways. These slowdowns are temporary and the result is a better road to travel after construction is done. Delays can be shortened or avoided by planning your route ahead of time and being mindful of increased traffic.
Some ongoing construction projects near Regina include the Highway 11 bridge repairs on the southbound lanes through Lumsden, and the Highway 11 over Highway 6 overpass construction just north of Regina. These are active sites with workers and machinery present. Motorists should stay alert and slow to 60 km/h in the work zone. Remember that Speeding fines triple when workers are present.
"We're committed to reducing injuries on construction worksites, including bridge and overpass projects where our members are busy." SCSA president, Collin Pullar said. "Drivers can prevent accidents in construction zones by slowing down, being patient, and planning to pass the time enjoying music, conversation, or the scenery when they are delayed. In making safe choices behind the wheel, they help ensure everyone returns home to enjoy what matters most this weekend."
The Government of Saskatchewan offers some online tools to help plan your trip. The Highway Hotline provides up-to-date information of construction, road closures, the status of ferries and barges, as well as other road updates. The Weekly Highway Construction Update contains information on all highway-related construction in the province.
The Ministry will improve more than 1,100 km of provincial highways this year, putting us on track to exceed the Growth Plan goal to build and upgrade 10,000 km of highways over 10 years.
The Government of Saskatchewan has invested more than $11.5 billion in highways since 2008, improving more than 18,400 km of Saskatchewan roads.
For more information, contact:
Byron SywanykHighways
Phone: 306-529-7219