Released on October 3, 2022
The Government of Saskatchewan proclaimed October as Agriculture Month. During Agriculture Month, we take time to celebrate the agriculture industry and encourage consumers to learn more about the world-class, environmentally sustainable products produced right here in our own province. Throughout the month, we encourage the public to share their connection to food through the theme, "#MealsFromtheFarm."
"Saskatchewan's agriculture industry cannot thrive without the dedicated individuals that make up the value-chain," Agriculture Minister David Marit said. "They have a passion for producing the healthy, affordable food that we share with our families everyday. I encourage everyone to show support by celebrating this innovative, resilient and sustainable industry."
This year, Agriculture Month will also focus on farmers giving back to the communities they belong to, as well as highlight the great food they grow in the province. Throughout the month of October, Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan, in collaboration with industry partners, will share food stories, hold an online photo contest and use social media to encourage the public to learn about modern agriculture and to get involved by supporting meals in their local communities. There are many ways to celebrate Agriculture Month - participate in a community harvest supper, share a meal with your family in the field, or support your local foodbank.
"We are very fortunate to produce such an abundance of food in this province," Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan Executive Director Clinton Monchuk said. "For Agriculture Month, we will be using the hashtag #MealsFromtheFarm to promote sharing the great food we grow here with everyone."
For a full list of Agriculture Month events, or to learn how you can take part, visit Follow Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan on Twitter @FarmFoodCareSK, or on Facebook at Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan and share your stories on social media using #CelebrateAg and #MealsFromtheFarm.
For more information, contact:
Jamie Shanks
Phone: 306-787-5155