Released on November 9, 2022
People in need of warm and safe shelter this winter will receive support from government and community partners.
"We all know how difficult Saskatchewan winters can be, especially for the most vulnerable in our province," Social Services Minister Gene Makowsky said. "That is why once again this year, our government is joining with local community partners across the province to make sure everyone has a warm and safe place to stay, no matter where they live or when they need it."
Emergency shelter spaces are available across the province. In communities without shelters, or if an emergency shelter is full or doesn't meet a person's needs, residents will be connected to a hotel or different shelter that offers the support they require.
“Alongside our many partners, the Salvation Army is once again ready to help anyone in need of safe shelter this winter,” Salvation Army Major Mike Hoeft said. “No matter what time of the day or night, anyone in need of support can contact us, our other community partners or 911 to get the help they need. We all have a role to play in keeping each other safe this winter, and together we will ensure that no one is left in the cold.”
In Saskatoon, more than 25 community partners work together to keep people safe. Through the Saskatoon Extreme Cold Weather Emergency Response Plan, these partners identify any pressures in meeting service demands and ensure people in need receive emergency services 24 hours per day, seven days a week. During weekday business hours, people in need of assistance can visit the Ministry of Social Services' Saskatoon Service Centre at 160 2nd Avenue South. After hours, they may contact the Salvation Army Emergency After Hours service at 306-244-6280.
In Regina, community partners connect people in need to appropriate shelter supports 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Mobile Crisis Regina provides daily updates on shelter space and availability on their website at During weekday business hours, people in need of assistance can visit the Ministry of Social Services' Regina Service Centre at 2045 Broad Street. After hours, they can contact the Mobile Crisis Helpline at 306-757-0127.
In Prince Albert, the YWCA operates a shelter that offers people in need a warm place to stay. During weekday business hours, people in need of assistance can visit the Ministry of Social Services' Prince Albert Service Centre at 303-1288 Central Avenue. After hours, they can contact the Mobile Crisis Helpline at 306-764-1011.
People needing shelter in other communities across the province should contact their nearest Ministry of Social Services office. A list of ministry service centres is available at Anyone in need of financial help can apply for Saskatchewan Income Support or Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability benefits.
Members of the public should call 911 if they see someone in need. A full list of shelters and services for people in need is available at
For more information, contact:
Media RelationsSocial Services
Phone: 306-787-3610