Released on November 3, 2022
Today, the Government of Saskatchewan announced the re-opening of the Court of King's Bench Judicial Centre and Registry Office in Weyburn.
"This is an important step to improving efficiency, access and speed to justice and strengthening the Court's ability to serve the Weyburn area, which has experienced increasing case loads," Justice and Attorney General Minister Bronwyn Eyre said. "This will also decrease travel to the Estevan court for citizens, court staff, lawyers and police officers."
Once fully staffed, citizens in the Weyburn area will be able to access the courthouse in person to pay fines, file small claims applications and other court documents. These services will be available to the public Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A total of three registry staff and three deputy sheriffs will be hired on a full-time basis to operate the facility. These jobs were posted last week, following the Throne Speech, on the Government of Saskatchewan job site.
"On behalf of my constituents, I'm pleased to see the Judicial Centre and Registry Office re-opening in Weyburn," Weyburn-Big Muddy MLA Dustin Duncan said. "Today's announcement benefits everyone in our community with enhanced access to court services and generating full-time employment."
The Weyburn Courthouse was built in 1928 and designed by Provincial Architect Maurice Sharon. The first sitting at the courthouse was on January 22, 1929. The building was designated a Provincial Heritage Site on February 15, 1988. In 2016, the Weyburn Courthouse transitioned to a circuit point location.
For more information, contact:
Noel BusseJustice and Attorney General
Phone: 306-787-8959