Released on May 19, 2022
Large amounts of rainfall are generally improving topsoil moisture and pasture conditions in the province, while also delaying seeding, particularly in the eastern half of the province. Producers who have been able to get in the field are making good progress, with 33 per cent of the 2022 crop now in the ground. As this is behind the five-year average (2017-2021) of 53 per cent, producers are hoping for some warm days to allow field work to advance.
Sixty per cent of the crop has been seeded in the southwest region, 53 per cent in the west central, 35 per cent in the northwest, 17 per cent in the southeast, 13 per cent in the east central and eight per cent in the northeast.
Fifty-nine per cent of lentils, 57 per cent of field peas, 51 per cent of durum, 29 per cent of spring wheat and 27 per cent of barley have been seeded to date. Barley, peas and lentils have begun sprouting throughout the southwest and west central regions.
A significant weather system moved across the province in the latter half of the week, bringing lots of rainfall in some areas. The Estevan area reported more than 120 mm over two days, the Weyburn area 92 mm, the Big Beaver area 87 mm, the Moosomin area 75 mm and the Eyebrow area 35 mm. Many parts of the southwest, west central and northwest did not receive significant amounts rainfall and rain would be appreciated once seeding concludes.
With almost weekly rainfall events, topsoil moisture conditions continue to improve for the province. Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as 12 per cent surplus, 56 per cent adequate, 20 per cent short and 12 per cent very short. Hay and pastureland topsoil moisture is rated as four per cent surplus, 56 per cent adequate, 24 per cent short and 16 per cent very short. Pasturelands that have received moisture all spring are beginning to see good recovery from the 2021 drought and their carrying capacity of cattle is increasing.
Producers with overly saturated fields are starting to heavy harrow in attempts to dry their soils out faster. Producers who can are seeding as fast as possible between rains to avoid any further delays. Wind and cool daytime temperatures have hampered spraying activities for many producers in the province.
A complete, printable version of the Crop Report is available online at
Follow the 2022 Crop Report on Twitter at @SKAgriculture.
For more information, contact:
Matt StruthersAgriculture
Moose Jaw
Phone: 306-694-3714
Cell: 306-630-8865