Released on March 21, 2022
The Government of Saskatchewan has officially proclaimed March 20-26 as Social Work Week in Saskatchewan. The theme for this year's celebration is In Critical Demand - Social Work is Essential.
"Those in the field of social work play a vital role in our province as they address complex issues facing individuals, families and communities," Social Services Minister Lori Carr said. "Social workers have shown flexibility and grace through uncertain times within a changing environment. I want to thank all social workers for the essential work that they do in our province every day."
Every day, social workers help individuals and families experiencing difficulties in their lives. They provide crucial supports and services to help their clients overcome complex challenges, including substance misuse, intimate partner violence, mental health crises and intergenerational trauma. Across the province, social workers can be found working in public or private practice, in community-based organizations, and across the health and mental health, education, justice, disability and child welfare sectors. They may also be engaged in research, policy, planning or administration.
The Saskatchewan Association of Social Workers (SASW) promotes and governs the profession of social work in the province, ensuring accountability of Registered Social Workers and protecting the public through recognized, ethical standards of practice. There are more than 2,300 social workers currently registered in Saskatchewan.
"Social workers support people and communities rendered more vulnerable to COVID by social conditions and policies," SASW President Erin Beckwell said. "A well-supported, appropriately equipped, empowered, and protected human service workforce is essential to mitigating the damaging effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Social work plays an important role in supporting and advocating for the wellbeing of individuals, families and communities, and society as a whole. Our role has been vital during the pandemic and will be needed more than ever as we move toward a just recovery."
For more information on Social Work Week in Saskatchewan, please visit the Saskatchewan Association of Social Workers' website at or the SASW Facebook page.
For more information, contact:
Karen WasylenkaSaskatchewan Association of Social Workers
Phone: 306-545-9155
Ashley Green
Social Services
Phone: 306-787-0531
Cell: 306-519-9702