Released on June 30, 2022
Today, Yorkton MLA Greg Ottenbreit on behalf of Social Services Minister Gene Makowsky, joined community members, dignitaries and residents in Yorkton to celebrate the grand opening of a YAIL Harbor group home.
YAIL Harbor is a community-based organization that has been providing person-centred supports to people with intellectual disabilities since 1973. The Ministry of Social Services provides more than $433,000 in annual operational funding for the home.
"It's because of our community partners like YAIL Harbor that Saskatchewan is closer to becoming a more accessible place where everyone has the supports they need to reach their full potential," Ottenbreit said.
"YAIL Harbor Inc.'s commitment to community inclusion and quality care of the participants we help support makes the organization's vision a reality," YAIL Harbor Executive Director Sonya Reviczky said. "I would like to say a huge thank you to the Ministry of Social Services and Community Living Service Delivery for making this possible."
This new group home supports the Saskatchewan Disability Strategy by creating more residential services for people with intellectual disabilities. Saskatchewan residents and communities that have done work that aligns with the Disability Strategy are encouraged to share their accomplishments using the hashtag #SKDisability.
For information on how to access supports for intellectual disabilities, please contact the Community Living Service Delivery office nearest you or email CLSD supports people with intellectual disabilities by helping them access a variety of community-based services so they can live as independently as possible within their own communities. You can find the nearest office at
For more information, contact:
Social ServicesRegina
Phone: 306-787-3610