Released on June 30, 2022
Starting July 1, a new Education and Training Incentive (ETI) will be available to support adults with low incomes to complete their high school education, workforce or skills training programs.
"The Education and Training Incentive offers financial support to people with low incomes, as they work toward building a brighter future for themselves and their families," Social Services Minister Gene Makowsky said. "I encourage these residents to learn more about the ETI and to access this important support that will open doors to a new career, greater financial stability, improving skills and more employment opportunities."
This incentive is an important addition to the continuum of services offered through income assistance programs in supporting low-income adults to achieve self-sufficiency.
In addition to financial assistance, learners will receive individualized planning and supports to help them accomplish their goals. They will also have access to employment supports from post-secondary institutions and the Ministry of Immigration and Career Training, including work and job readiness counseling, job search assistance, resume writing and interview skills development.
The ETI has replaced the Provincial Training Allowance, which offered similar financial support to adult learners. To make services more streamlined, efficient and client-friendly, the ETI is now being delivered through the Ministry of Social Services.
Learners will receive the ETI as a monthly benefit in addition to their other income support benefits while participating in an approved program offered by a post-secondary institution or career service supplier.
To learn more about the ETI, visit
For more information, contact:
Social ServicesRegina
Phone: 306-787-3610